Vetts' top 10 spell cards 10. Change of Heart- We start off with Change of Heart. Overall pretty solid card in terms of effect and potential. Can effect both face up and face down monsters and has a great potential for a big attack or to tribute summon for a powerful monster like jinzo or hades 9. Mystical Space Typhoon- Probably the only magic card that a player can use three of. Here's how I see typhoon uses: 1. Use with Mirage of Nightmare 2. Use to chain with Imperail Order and 3. Destroy one random magic or trap. Also a great thing is that it is a quickplay and chainable so if you have it set and your opponent uses Snatch Steal on Jinzo, you can easily get it back 8. Premature Burial- One of my favourite aspects to this game is Recursion. I love recursion. This is a great card for bringing back any monster in your graveyard for a second chance. The only drawbacks I see would be that it is limited to your graveyard, that it has a slight life point damage and that it is an equip so if it is destroyed, so is that monster 7. D. D. Designator- An underused card that has a sick effect. Basically call a card that your opponent has in their hand a remove it from the game. Here's how you can effectively use it: 1. Attack a witch or sangan and then use it on the monster they chose. 2. Use the Forceful Sentry or another card that allows you to see their hand and then choose the best card to eliminate. 3.Use it on cards that return to their hand i.e. Yata or Sinister Serpent. Anyways, this is a great card that has great potential in a control deck. I want to place it higher but I think the one's infront of it are staples for every deck. 6. Monster Reborn- Bring back a monster from any graveyard. Enough said. 5. Painful Choice- Perfect card in Exodia and Chaos decks. For Exodia make sure you have a Backup Soldier ans select three pieces and two other monsters to use Backup Soldier. In Chaos decks pick Chaos Emperor Dragon, Black Luster Soldier, Magician of Faith, any draw card either Graceful or Pot, and either a magical scientist another magician of faith or a strong dark monster. Whichever one they pick you wil still have the advantage. Preferably use this later in the game 4. Delinquent Duo- For a mere 1000 lifepoints they lose 2 cards. That is a two for one combo which is always a plus with Yata on the loose. This is a great card on the first draw or later in the game. The only problem is if they have Sinister Serpent or a high level tribute monster 3. Harpie's Feather Duster- Nothing to say here except watch out for chainable cards like Imperial Order and use it when they have at least two cards on the field 2. Raigeki- Same as above except watch out for witch or sangan if it is late in the game. Otherwise strike them down 1. Pot of Greed- The perfect magic card in the game. Simply draw two cards, nothing bad about it unless you draw bad cards, of if the Imperial it. Otherwise the best topdecker, hand advantage and potentially the best card in the game That's that for magic cards, let me know what you think. The name's Luc and email's