Vetts' Top 10 trap cards 10. Jar of Greed- Overall good card for the effect. It's a free card, chainable and creates speed 9. Raigeki Break- For some reason I've found a lot of people who hate this card. Sure its a two for one which is always bad but look at the potential. It's able to destroy any card except Jinzo, it's chainable and if you have a Sinister Serpent in your hand it's a one for one deal where you choose the card. Great for getting rid of that unknown trap, stopping searchers like Mystic Tomato and any face down flip effect that could change the flow of the game i.e. Fiber Jar 8. Mirror Force- As awesome as this card is it is not CHAINABLE. Personally, chainable traps are the only one's worth playing aside from Mirror Force 7. Big Burn- This card stops recursion in a different way- it removes all monsters in the game. Perfect if you are not playing Fiber Jar, it you have little or no monsters in the graveyard and a great way to stop the Chaos monsters. Better than Mirror Force? Debatable 6. Robbin' Goblin- This is the hand destruction for traps. Any slight damage done to your opponent and they lose a card. Throw a high defense monster face down and let them attack or attack with yata with Robbin', two card advantage 5. Ring of Destruction- What needs to be said? Destroys any face up monster and does equal damage to both lifepoints. It's chainable which is a plus and a potential game winner 4. Call of the Haunted- Great card, recursion to bring out another monster, chainable if you have a witch, sangan or Jinzo in your graveyard and tribute material i.e. calling witch summon for Jinzo and search for Yata 3. Waboku- Saves you for a turn. Critical card for late in the game or when your opponent has assembled a large army. Plus it is chainable which can really be useful. Just leave it on the field and activate it when you need to or when your opponent tries to destroy it 2. Time Seal- Probably the best common trap and 2nd best common card in the game (behind Magical Scientist). This card is pure hand advantage. I run three of these and they work great. Here's why: 1. Obviously hand advantage, in a yata or control deck when you have the power to stop your opponent from drawing you can do some serious damage. 2. Chainable, leave it on the field and dont touch it until your opponent tries to destroy it i.e. mst, hfd, breaker etc. It is awesome when your opponent uses a card from their hand only to see a Time Seal. That is a two card advantage. I've had this card so long that some hesitate to use their removal. 3. Late in the game when neither of you have a useable card of when you have a monster and your opponent only has one or two cards, this card is an awesome top deck. 1. Imperial Order- do I really need to say anything about I.O. It is amazing, stops all magic cards, chainable etc. So it has a 700 life point draw back, so what. if your opponent has all magic cards and you have a yata and Imperial, it's over. Best Trap EVER!!! Well that's it. If you agree or disagree let me know. The name's Luc e-mail is