Cheekylinks Yu Gi Oh top 10 sexy cards


These are my top ten sexy cards, please keep in mind that although some choice may appear starnge at first all the cards are sexy IMO.

10. Torrential Tribute - This is a very sexy card. It's basically depiciting water which is alway sexy. Not much else to say though except you could get turned on by looking at it.
9. Amazoness Paladin - Not much to say except she looks like mai form the anime. And we all love mai. Or at least we'd hit it.
8. Raigeki - The sexy thunderbolt, I can just feel the electricity in the air, it is a thunderbolt after all isn't it?
7. Mystical Elf - I like this card because she reminds me of Zelda, and as we all know Zelda is hot.Plus she has blue skin which is never bad.
6. Gemini Elf - Lesbians. Not much to say there besides that.
5. Change of Heart - OMG this is like the sexiest magic out there. Do you like good girls, bad girls?? anyway you got it with this card. So sexy she is able to satisfy everyone.
4. Yata - This is one sexy bird. Beside the sex appeal residing in his raw power, he is so sexy in his profile shot. With his one leg and his one eye looking at you. I tell you If I was a crow and assuming yata is female I'd want her to lay my eggs.
3. Lily - Well she's a nurse. A sexy nurse. With an oversized needle. And she's a fairy so she's cute by definition. Probably the only female out there to rival my number 1 pick.
2. Spear Dragon - He's sexay. Just look at him. With his sexy wings and his hot stare I bet he has to beat the lady dragons with a stick. Plus from looking at his face you can guess that the ladies fall for him. He must be so good in bed.
1. Dark Magician Girl - Do I really need to explain? Besides the thousands of fan boys (me being one of them) around here she's teh only subpar secret rare who actually is hard to find.


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