Top 10 "Banned Deck" Cards A lot of people who come to the tournaments I run in Maine, including myself, have been taking up the challenge of building a deck without the 10 Japanese restricted cards. >From trying these decks out over the past few weeks, I found that a few cards specifically seem to work really well and can easily take the place of your removed cards. 10) Reload A quick-play magic that let's you shuffle your hand into your deck and redraw the same number of cards. With few powerful cards, the need for more specific cards grows and you may need to use this to attempt to get the upper hand or to get hold of a last-minute Kuriboh. 9) Morphing Jar #2 A flip monster that returns all monsters on the field to the deck and forces player to overturn cards until they get the same number of monsters on the field in face-down defense. With Cyber Jar and Fiber Jar going bye-bye, this jar can take the reigns and give you some breathing room from your opponent, while possibly destroying his magic and trap cards. 8) Barrel Dragon Flip 3 coins once per turn. If you get at least two heads, destroy one monster on your opponent's field. This can make up for the loss in power and pure destruction. Besides, if you build a machine deck, it works even better. 7) Drillago This is a greatly overlooked card. A lot of emphasis has been with power cards. Namely, getting a great number of the new 4 star, 1900 creatures. So, if you can't beat them, beat the source. While your opponent may try to attack Drillago, a power up or two can prevent that. This card can deal some nice direct damage quickly. 6) Offerings Of The Doomed A quick play monster destroyer. You'll have to miss your next draw phase, but blowing up a Jinzo, Yata or I.F.L. makes it worth the one missed card. 5) Card Destruction Both players discard their hands to draw new hands of the same amount. Like with Reload, you're going to need find more specific cards at times to prevent damage or take advantage and gain the upper hand. 4) Penguin Soldier A flip monster that returns two monsters on the field to their owner's hand. Used in half the deck I tend to see, it finds to be a lot more potent in banned decks due to removal and destruction shortage. 3) Giant germ/Nimble Momonga (3) You need more creatures in a hurry? Here they are. Both of the creatures bring out two of their counterparts when destroyed in battle. This can create a wall as well as tribute fodder for bigger, meaner creatures you may need on the field. 2) Snatch Steal No Change Of Heart? Let's go for the next best thing. Permanently taking an opponent's creature for as long as it is attached to Snatch Steal. An alright substitute for the overpowering Change of Heart. 1) Dark Master - Zorc A wonderfully powerful fiend that has a 1 out of 3 chance of destroying all of your opponent's monsters. A great substitute for THE staple card, Raigeki. He isn't a weenie himself either. An 8-star fiend with 2700 ATK and a 1500 DEF, making him WotBF searchable. If you build a Banned Deck, try to get at least one Zorc in your deck. Kirk Davis Kirk.