Top 10 Cards Remembered For The Wrong Reasons ~ Nerimon Top 10 Cards, Remembered For The Wrong Reasons (2nd Top 10 List) The top 10 cards remembered not for their greatness, but for other reasons ... in no particular order. 1 - Gate Guardian. Ahh, the memories, the excitement, 'I've pulled a Gate Guardian! Now I have all 3 pieces I can make a GG deck!' Yeah, then go find out how bad it is. Very binder-worthy, or fuel for the fire. 2 - Skull Servant. The ultimate card ridiculed for its low stats, this lil' critter even made a guest appearance on the picture of Ante! Goddess, who would ante a Skull Servant ... 3 - Hungry Burger - I find this is the most remembered Ritual from Spell Ruler, apart from Relinquished, but Relinquished has potential so I won't include it. What can I say about this card ... where do I begin ..... 4 - Serpent Night Dragon - would you prefer to pull the Level 7, 2350 ATK Secret Rare, or the Level 7, 3000 ATK Ultra Rare? I know, it's very logical. 5 - Gaia The Dragon Champion - I could go on revieweing every Secret Rare before Jinzo, but I won't. Gaia would at least gain -some- dignity if it wasn't a Fusion, which are haphazard at the best of times. 6 - Thousand Dragon - Released as a Secret Rare in Metal Raiders ... and a common in Joey's Starter Deck. *applauds Upper Deck* 7 - Ookazi - the most well-remembered of all the LOB burn cards, probably because of its odd name. Does anyone know what Ookazi means? I'd be interested. 8 - Prevent Rat - Yeah! I think out of Mystical Elf, Giant Soldier Of Stone, Spirit Of The Harp and Prevent Rat, PR is the one hardly anyone remembers. No idea why. But our recent Battle Footballer, with 2100 DEF, is overlooked straight away so, don't ask me. 9 - Sonic Duck - one of the funniest cards in the game. 'A duck who travels at Mach Speed'. WTF? 10 - Nin-Ken Dog - and the other funniest card, 'A dog who has mastered extreme ninjitsu'. If you wanna make a funny card, please give it good stats so people remember it! And lastly - on my first Top 10 list I just realised that I forgot to include Waboku. Apologies for this ... just, I dunno, take out the one you like least of my 10 choices and replace it with Waboku. Chainable nuns, what more could you ask for? Take care, Neri