Top 10 cards for water decks



10. magician of faith- allows you to get your legendary oceans and other important magic cards back.


9. judgement of anubis- it is a must for all water decks!!!!!!!!!! it protects Legendary oceans and does damage. If this is not available a M. jammer will work almost as good and use an imperial as well


8. Gravity bind- This card is only good in a water deck that uses ANPHIBIOUS BUGROTH MK-3 and other good level 4 cards because with legendary ocean they become level 3. THATS SOME HEAVY DAMAGE.


7. Starboy- i thought this card would stink in water decks and then i played it. and it worked. It was made for water decks obviosly but its so old, and its a common misconception that anything that is old is obsolete. Get this puppy on the field along with a few mk-3's and you basically have the game right their. I play 2 of these cards in my deck. the 500 extra atak( this is sad i dont know how to spell attak) really comes i handy.


6.mage power- can anybody say ouch!!! with all of the magic and trap cards that are on the field you can boost any monster attak up alot. you are going to have at least 2 magic cards on the field at a time( legendary ocean and mage power) so that is already 1000 attak plus the 200 from legendary ocean. equip this to ab mk-3 and usualy with in 2 turns its game.


5. tornado wall- no damge no matter what. you can use ring and only your opponents will take the damage.  This card deserves a hire rating in my list but i have other favorites. Even if Jinzo is on the field this card still works  I THINK because its effect reads:


As long as umi remains face up on the field damage done to your lifepoints becomes 0.


im probably wrong though so dont listen to me. Actualy forget what i just said. unless im right


4. Anphibious Bugroth MK-3: direct attak. thats all there is to it. it wins games. 1700(or more with mage power) direct attak.   WOW. i play 3.


3. The legendary fisherman- your oppent cant attak you and cant use magic cards on this card. dosnt matter if specifically designates the card or not. if you or them play dark hole this card will still stay on the field. This card is awsome for stalling untill you draw your trump card. I play 2 of these


2. Levia dragon - daedalus : another game winner in a water deck. 2600 direct attak. if you have one of these babies and 3 legendary oceans in your hand you come very close to winning. This is very unlikely but hay it could happen. Searchable by witch. AWSOME. I play 3 but i will probably cut down to 2.


1 legendary ocean and terraforming - these cards are the  water deck.


email me at and no i do not think orca is good. unless you make a deck around it.And remember this is my opinion so dont get mad at me cause i play a tournament winning water deck. i have only played it for 2 weeks and i have won 2 tourneys.