YamiB's top ten staple cards > This is my list of the top 10 staples, these are cards that go in any deck, and should be in every deck. > >10. Imperial Order - Imperial Order is the only card that can stop your opponents Magic cards dead in their tracks, not couting that weak Spell canceller, and will allow you to play your turns without fear of Raigeki or HFD or such. >9. Mystical Space Typhoon - This card is just great, it allows you to destroy any Magic or trap cards on the field. Not only that, but it is Chainable, making it twice as deadly. >8. Cyber Jar - This card is the best flip effect monster out there, not does it destroy all monsters on the field, but it will also put monsters on the field. It is ideal for any tight situation, but also, it could decide the game. Say you have a lone Cyber Jar on the field, well, now you can flip it yourself, and possibly win, if you draw the right monsters and sac for Jinzo. Even better, your opponent may net even draw a monster at all, spelling out D-i-r-e-c-t a-t-t-a-c-k. >7. Mirror Force - The number one trap as far as protection goes, it >will end your opponents battle phase on activation because it destroys all of the threat that attacked, it's two in one. >6. Witch of the Black forest - Any monster with 1500 or less defense >into your hand, in a beatdown deck, in a beatdown, this is every monster in the deck (*almost). So this is Jinzo, Tribe infecting Virus, any card you want. >5. Pot of Greed - Two extra cards at any time, this one brings a tear >to my eye. Pot of Greed will give you extra help when you are on the virge of being Yata-locked, or when you are down to two cards in your hand after someone nuked your side of the field. >4. Harpies Feather Duster - This the Magic and Trap version of a >Raigeki thunderbolt, it will clear the field of all Magic and trap cards and lift the worry off your shoulders. Not quite as good as Raigeki, but still very good. >3. Jinzo - Jinzo is the one monster that is put in every deck for a >reason, because it will let you attack without fear of Mirror force or a pasky ring of destruction. It is much more formidable than it's Spell canceller counterpart. >2. Raigeki - Ringing in at number two is Raigeki. This will clear the field of all Monsters, allowing you to attack directly, and if you have Jinzo on the field as well, your opponent will be feeling very afraid very soon. >1. Monster Reborn - The best staple their is simply, because their is >no deck without it. It is also the easient to get, this being because it unlike some others has no other card that can replace it. Their is premature burial and Call of the haunted, but they simply equip to the monster, this brings it back free of charge or anyside-effects so-to speak. And with it you can bring back other staples like Jinzo or Witch of the black forest. > >Questions, comments? Bring them to Yami B at biggypiggy09@netscape.net >