Top 10 Traps 10.Drop Off Get rid of a hopefully useful card from your opponent 9.Skull Lair Destroying opponents monsters with not much loss is always fun... until they play fiber jar, if fiber jar wasn't out this would have gotten a higher position! 8.Ultimate Offering a very underrated card, an extra summon for 500 life points is great! 7.Waboku Simply said its like a one turn swords! 6.Gravity Bind this card makes many decks very irritating and hard to beat 5.Call Of The Haunted An extra nearly as good monster reborn is always nice! 4.Magic Jammer never fear those ugly magic cards like raigeki, harpies duster, sorl... 3.Magic Cylinder Who wouldn't want there opponent to attack themself? 2.Imperial Order a no drawback magic jammer plus they cant play any magic after? this card will deffinantly win people games! 1.Mirror Force a card that removes monsters and negates and attack is awesome, everyone who has this card will play it! Brett Te Slaa reach me at