Subject: Top 10: LOD cards
hi again,
this is my 2nd and i'm feeling good.
My top 10 today is about the LoD series.
i personally like it since i run a Dragon deck.  i don't care what you say it is very good and could take anybody on!!!
well lets start:
10) Fiber Jar- I know a lot of you will disagree but who needs a reset button if you have a good deck you don't need one. (i'm ready for your hate mail)
9) Bad Reaction to Simochi- this card is great i have won duels because of this now there is a use for snach steal and upstart goblin and eye of truth.
8) Luster Dragon- this card is a beast of talwar of dragons execpt weaker defence. since it is a dragon i will naturally have it on my list.
7)Last Turn- this card is very good because if by luck you have a very strong monster on the feild(beud) then weaken you own life points when it is your opponets turn activate it and you have it won.
6)Freed The Matchless General- perfect in warrior decks power him up and you have a shield in front of you warriors.  Not to mention the ability to get more warriors out.
5)Spear Dragon- this little dragon is the gaf of dragons not to mention the fmc affect.
4)Patrician of Darkness- this card is great because you basically control your opponet. But because it is only 2000 atk makes it number four.
3)Creature Swap- good card steal your opponets best card and let them have a weak useless one.
2)Dragon's Rage- gives all my dragons fmc which is very handy in taking out lp quickly and easily.
 Now Number One....
1) Yata-Garasu- just kidding this card good effect is good to bad its stats are not 200atk any thing could destroy that!!! Even with an ax of despair it is still only 1200!!!! so unless you can power him up don't use him (i'm ready for more hate mail)
The real #1..................................
1) TYRANT DRAGON- sure it is two offerings but its stats are amazing can attack two monsters for the price of one and it can even protect itself from some traps.  If you can get over the summoning this card is one of the best!!!!!!!
P.S. i just use lod + fosd
Well i know you are disappointed but get over it every one eles has fiber jar or Yata-Garasu at number one.
I am the best dragon duelist!!
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