Subject: connor p's top ten yugioh cards
10.Dark magician-Good stats, but no match for a bewd.
9.Shadow ghoul-weak stats, good effect. use late in the game.
8.Bewd-step 1, bring down attack. Step two, destroy
7.Man-eater bug-Well, duh.
6.Change of heart-a 1 turn snatch steal!
5.Magic jammer-to block those pesky robbin' goblins.
4.Magician of faith-can you say a few swords of revealing light?
3.Spirit of flames-ok attack and def+ good effect.
2.Summoned skull-watch out for shield and sword.
1. B. skull dragon- at least one monster that with a horn o uni. that could beat gate guardian
Honarary mention-Polymerization