Subject: Top Ten Best Cards and Worst Cards by Josh
           Top 10 Worst Cards
10.  "UPSTART GOBLIN" This card is bad because you have to give 1000 life points and opnly draw one card.

 9.   "Octoberser" 1600 atk 1400 def one tribute a terrible card.
 8.   "Skull Servant" A 300 atk attack monster with 200 def.
        enough said.
 7.   "Jirai Gumo" Only 2200 atk and 100 def! and you can lose half of your life points yikes
 6.   "Goblin attack force" This card is not good because of it's effect
 5.   "Wall Shadow" only 1600 atk 3000 def you have to get rid of 
        labyrinth wall for 1600 atk more who's ever going to atk with
 4.   "Yamata dragon" this is a spirit monster so it goes back to your
        hand at the end of the turn.
 3.   "Twin headed behemoth" come on it only comes back once and
        it's not even to full power when it comes back.
 2.   "Ameba+Griggle" they have to be face up and your opponent
        has to use change of heart or snatch steel on them.
  1.   AND NUMBER ONE IS "Yata garasu" first of all this card is  a spirit monster so it has to go back to your hand after your
      turn is over. also it has a terrible atk and it has to do battle
      damage to your opponent's life points so you have to kill a
      monster that has a lower atk than yata garasu. good luck. ha
             TOP 10 best cards
  10. Summoned skull this card is an awesome card with 2500 atk for only one tribute it's an awesome card.
   9.  shadow ghoul this is a very good card when used correctly.
namely towards the end of the duel.
   8.  pot of greed this is a very good card because a draw without
any drawbacks.
   7.  destiny board this card can be very good to aggervate your opponent and win you the game.
   6.  harpies feather duster is an awesome card because it can get rid of just your opponents magic and trap cards.
   5.  mirror force you're probably wondering why this card is not number one well it's not rea;;y that great. some people don't play that many monsters in attack mode.
   4.  swords of revealing light this stalls for three turns staple in my book
   3.  raigeki it's an awesome card but can still be countered by a lot
   2. change of heart can be awesome for tributes or just winning the game period.
   1. the card that's the best card in the game is monster reborn getting back a monster from either grave an awesome card in my book.
My name is josh so if you want you can send hate mail or anything about this top 10 posting to