Subject: Matt's top ten yugioh cards of all time. Here we go... 1.It definetly has to be Buster Blader. This warrior has descent stats and it's effect allows it to combo quite nicely with DNA surgery. 2.Magic Cylinder. This trap card can send BEWD's 3000 attack right back at him. 3.Summoned Skull. Let's face it, this is still the strongest one tribute monster in the game.(got to love those fiend's.) 4.Imperial Order. Now, we all no that the ability to negate magic cards is simply amazing. The favorability of this card speaks for itself. 5.Bazoo the Soul-Eater. The ability to reach 2500 attack points by only removing three cards from play is very good, and it requires no tributes. 6.Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer. This card simply wrecks the ability to summon very strong monsters such as Bazoo, Dark Necrofear, etc. 7.Mirror Force. This amazing card has won many a duel for me. The ability to destoy all attacking monsters will easily win you the duel. 8.Dark Ruler Ha-Des. Second to only the mighty Summoned Skull for only one tribute is awesome, not to mention it's effect, which will obviously work some amazing wonders in a fiend deck. 9.Jinzo. The reason why this is on my top ten list is obvious, the effect of negating all trap cards is... well, amazing. And to summon this 2400 attack monster for only one tribute is another reason why it should be in almost any deck. 10.Marauding Captain. This is deffenitely a staple in warrior decks. And my favorite thing about this card is that if you have two on the field then you will be impervious to damage by your opponent's monsters. My name is Matt. If you ever want to give me some thoughts or opinions yourself my e-mail adress is