Subject: Yu-gi-oh Top 10 List-Top 10 Super Rare Cards
10.Dragon Seeker-The only reason I put this card at 10 is because I really like it.
9.Mirage of Nightmares-drawing up to 4 cards on your opponents turn is too good and with mystical space typhoon you dont loose any cards on your turn.
8.Card Destruction-To put it simple its great against Exodia.
7.Graceful Charity-Drawing 3 cards then getting to discard 2 cards is great especially with Monster Reborn.
6.Morphing Jar-I know that its not a super rare but i heard it will be in Tp4.Anyway making your opponent and you discard your hands is great plus drawing 5 new cards is great.
5.Luster Dragon-Level 6 2400 Atk is really good and it can be searched by witch of the black forest.
4.Spear Dragon-A 1900 atk and a Fairy Meteor Crush effect is good but it has gaf's side effect.
3.Bazoo the Soul Eater-Bazoo can kill almost every level1-6 monster.
2.Raigeki-Destroying all your opponents monsters just cant be beat.
1.Mechanical Chaser-A 1850 atk and no side effect is too good.

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