From: B - MAN [] Subject: Yu-Gi-Oh Top 10 List Brett's Top 10 Yi-Gi-Oh List 1.EXODIA-as soon as you draw him you win 2.RELIQUESHED-he can sleal the opponents monsters attack and defence 3.BLUE EYES ULTIMATE WHITE DRAGON-very strong 4.GATE GAURDIAN-very strong 5.PERFECTLY ULTIMATE GREAT MOTH-very strong 6.BLACK SKULL DRAGON-very strong 7.REBORN THE MONSTER-well read the name its good 8.SWORD OF THE DEEP SEATED-powers up a monster by 500 attack and defence. it also goes back on top of your deck when your monster is destroyed 9.RAIGEKI-it destroys all of the opponents monsters on the field 10.STIM PACK-if you need a quick power-up use it. it powers up a monsters attack by 700. its only set-back is that every turn your monsters attack power goes down by 200