Awesome Top 10 Cards  Otacon.txt Everybody should know that your deck should compose of cards from each and every English expansion out. The below list tells some of the best cards for all of the American expansions. Check it out! 10. Goblin Attack Force - 2300 ATK points with no tribute, perfect one-hit combo, too bad its got 0 DEF 9. Barrel Dragon - good effect, 2600 ATK + 2200 DEF, what more can I say? 8. Man-Eater Bug - destroys any monster on the field, great for doing Direct Damage 7. Tri-Horned Dragon - my personal favorite monster in my deck, it has an awesome 2850 offense, which very few monsters can defend against 6. Pot of Greed - it allows you to draw two extra cards, very helpful in tight spots 5. Blue-Eyes White Dragon - 3000 ATK points with a cost of only two monsters! Do I have to go on? 4. Monster Reborn - you can bring back a fallen Blue-Eyes, or maybe a Summoned Skull, either way it helps you turn the odds in your favor 3. Beast of Talwar  2400 + 2150 ATK & DEF, hmmm, lets see, OBVIOUSLY this monster is great! 2. Summoned Skull  one tribute for an attack power of 2500, I guess you can say that it's halfway to invincibility! 1. Jinzo  good attack strength, okay defense power, and an awesome effect! - Duane