Lance Euro
10. Dian Keto The Cure Master- Wow he heals a quick 1000, not bad. Although there will be cards to reverse it and damage your foe instead of letting them heal themselves.If your not running low on LP most of the time don't throw it in the deck and leave this in your side deck.
9.Stop Defense-For as awesome as this card can be, it's just not useful sometimes. This is best played when you have Summoned Skull, or any other strong monster against a powerful defense. BEWD Vs Labyrnth Wall. These two cards cancel each other out, but since the walls's attack is 0, Stop Defense will let you deal the full 3000.
8.Blue Eyes White Dragon-Just cause it's the strongest monster so far, doesn't mean its perfect.It's Tribute cost is high, but with card combos.(Card Destruction + Monster Reborn) you can play it with no tribute. But you  just used 2 cards for him didn't you.
BEWD is strong but it doesn't fit into every deck .
7.Man-Eater Bug-As if this wasn't obvious. A quickly killed defense that also kill a foes monster. Not so bad. If I had more than 1 I'd probably play it.
6.Dragon Capture Jar-With all the tough dragons, BEWD, REBD,THD,COD,GTDC, id throw at least 1 capture jar in a deck. Even though there attack is high, there defense isn't perfect leaving you a counter attack chance.
5.Mysterious Puppeteer- Even Better Then "OL" Dian Keto.But only if there are a few monsters on the field. Place it face down in defense mode and let your opponent cry when their attack heals your LP...Ha ha ha ha...
4.Dark Hole-Your enemy has 3 BEWD and 2 Summoned Skulls. What do you do? Kill them with dark hole. If you had Last Will activated this turn, you can search the deck for a weak monster 1500 atk or lower and play it as a special summon.Then tribute that monster to summon your own Summoned Skull.!!! Wha ha ha ha ha....
3.The Stern Mystic-Sure this is a weak monster, but it's power can be nice against cards like Raigeki,Dark Hole, Man-Eater Bug. Just play him face down then flip him for the chance to see you opponents face down cards. Then De-spell or remove trap, and Man-Eater Bug your troubles away.
2.Monster Reborn- Revive yours or an opponents strongest monster on your side. Nice...
1.Raigeki-Nothing beats killing all your foe's monsters, and leaving them open to your attack.