#1 - Remove Trap. It destroys a pesky trap! Need I say more? I think not! #2 - De-Spell. It destroys a magic card on the field. Need I say more? Yes. Say your friend plays a Change of Heart on your Summoned Skull and your down to your last sliver of life. You don't want him to kill you so use a De-Spell. It also works if he does that to you (just De-Spell his De-Spell) #3 - Fissure. It destroys face up monster w/ lowest attack? That's pretty bad! Not if there is only one GOOD monster on the field. #4 - Castle Walls. Most of my friends think I'm nuts becuase I like this card. You may not though. Here is why I like it. Say your opponent has a Dragon Zombie (1600/0... immortal unless killed by magic) out in defense mode and you need him gone so you can damage your opponent. Just slap a Castle Walls on him and attack him... no longer is he immortal. (i was just wondering if he was immortal when in attack mode) #5 - Blue-Eyes Whit Dragon. Well this card has an amazing attack and defense (3000/2500). Put him in either attack or defense and you will kick somethings butt (unless a dragon capture jar is on the field... get rid of that either with REMOVE TRAP ((oh yea)) or Lord of D.) #6 - Hane-Hane. It's effect makes up for it's attack and defense (450/500). If your opponent is attacking your best card or Hane-Hane send it back to their hand. Or if it's attacking Hane-Hane, send something really good back to his/her hand let Hane-Hane die, it's work there is done #7 - Monster Reborn. Your favorite/best card just died and you want it back. No worries, just reborn it (great when you lost a Mysterious Puppeteer becuase your life goes back up again!) #8 - Last Will. Okay, you need a BEWD out. Sacrifice two monsters and get him out. Now flip over Last Will and search your deck for a monster with an attack of 1500 or less. SWEEEET! #9 - Just Desserts. If you are playing at 2000 life points each than use this card when your opponent has 4 or five monsters on the field and you win. If your playing at anything above 2500 than you just got a chunck of life at least! #10 - Dian Keto the Cure Master. Oh-kay. Increase your life by 1000! What more do you want? That's why I like it! Thanks for reading about my favorite cards! Bye, Marshall Bruno Marshall Bruno