10. Muka Muka-If you draw it on your first turn, it can do 2100 damage. On the second turn it becomes 2400. 9. Robbin' Goblin-Empty's opponents hand. 8. Salamandra-Great for Fire types like Flame Cerebus and Launcher Spider. 7. Shield and Sword-Now you can beat Summoned Skull. 6. Witch of the Black Forest-Get Summoned Skull in your hand. 5. Solemn Judgement-Stops comebacks. 4. Sword of the Deep Seated-Equips any monster and it keeps coming back. 3. Swamp Battleguard-Goes up to 2300 with the help of Lava Battleguard. 2. Pumpking the King of Ghost-It's attack can go up to 3000 and defense can go up to 3200. 1. BLACK SKULL DRAGON-Stong card that looks cool. If you have any questions, emailme at xuejian@juno.com _______________________________