Julians top 10 cards Okay here are my top 10 cards for yugioh. 1.Mirror force(metal raiders ultra rare). Mirror force destroys all of your opponents montsers in attack position and most people make a deck with creatures that have a high attack power. 2.Raigeki(legend of blue eyes white dragon super rare) Destorys all of your opponents monsters on the field. 3.Gate Guardion( metal raiders ultra rare) The strongest card thats out. Atk 3750 Def 3400. But you have to have three cards to summon him. 4.Blue eyes white dragon(legend of blue eyes white dragon ultra rare) Atk 3000 Def 2500 5.Change of heart(metal raiders ultra rare) select one of your opponents monster and control it until the end of your turn. 6.black skull dragon(metal raiders ultra rare) fusioned Summoned skull + Red eyes black dragon Atk 3200 Def 2500. 7.Ring of magnetism(metal raiders common) Increases the atk and def by 500 points and your opponents monsters must atk the monster equipped with this card. 8.Tripute to the doomed(metal raiders super rare) Discard one card from your hand to destroy a monster card on the field. 9.Trihorned dragon(blue eyes dragon Secert rare) Atk 2850 Def 2350. 10.Heavy storm (metal raiders super rare) destroy all magic and trap cards on the field. Julians top ten cards Juliandeberry@hotmail.com _________________________________________________________________ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com