Subject: Black Ogre's top 10 Here in my opinion is are the best cards!!:) Monsters: 1.Shadow Ghoul-100 ATK for each monster in the graveyard, what more? 2.Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon-closest to BEWD next to Tri-Horned Dragon 3.Summoned Skull-1 sacrifice unlike Dark Mage 2 sacrifices 4.Witch of the Black Forest-To the graveyard you go and Summoned Skull you're mine! 5.Jirai Gumo-Bad effect but good ATK so just leave it in ATK 6.Monster Reborn-Opponents Blue-Eyes I own you now 7.Man-Eater Bug-Need I say anything 8.Steel Scorpion-Delayed Man-Eater Bug 9.Garnecia Elefantis-Strongest Beast-Warrior Ugliest Elephant 10.Barrel Dragon-1 attack or 2 flip for it! Magic/Trap: 1.Raigeki-Kill the monsters on the opposing field 2.Darkhole-Raigeki's mean brother that kills your monsters too!:( 3.Mirror Force-Raigeki's better and bigger brother 4.Fake Trap-Render TrapMaster and Remove Trap pointless 5.Magic Jammer-Raigeki's dad, kill all MAGIC!!!!! 6.Sword of Deep-Seated-500 to ATK and DEF 7.Ring of Magnetism-minus 500 ATK and DEF, use this with Sword of Deep-Seated and it's like nothing happened 8.Paralyzing Potion-Hah! Now let's see the unstoppable Blue-eyes get out of this! 9.Horn of Heaven-Like Two-Pronged but only one sacrifice required and it Negates! 10.Ookazi-Bye-Bye to 800 life points!