Wrom: TLBXFGGMEPYOQKEDOTWFAOB Subject: James top ten 1 is.... 10-Dark Magician-it just looks cool 9-Muka Muka-good card if you have cards in your hand 8-Ultimate offering-good if you have monsters with four stars 7-Sword of Deep-Seated-can increase any monster by 500 def atk 6-Sheild and Sword-can destroy zombies easely 5-Swords of revealing light-can help in a bad situation 4-La Jinn and 7 colored fish-1800 attack 4 stars need i say more 3-Man-eater bug-very good with hane-hane 2-Raigeki- any card that destroys your enimies monsters acn always be good Drum role please...# 1 is.......... .............. ............. SUMMONED SKULL- who would have thought P.S. BEWD is the worst card and is so easy to kill