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Pojo's World of Warcraft TCG
Card of the Day
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Corki's Ransom


Card Number - FOO-227

Card Rating:

Sealed: 3.25
Constructed: 3.00
Casual: 3.00
Raid: 2.50

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

Date Reviewed - 07.18.0



Corki’s Ransom

Cheap card draw for when you don’t need to be playing resources any more. It can be used to pay its own cost too, so effectively it costs 1 for a free card every turn whenever you decide that you have enough resources. A corker of a quest.


Constructed 4.5/5

Sealed 4/5

Casual 4/5

Raid 4/5

aka Warchief Thrall

Corki's Ransom


Put Corki's Ransom into its owner's hand and pay 2 to complete this quest.
Reward: Draw a card.


I Don’t really like this card. If you include 4 copies of this card in your deck, eventually you have one spare, because you can’t put Corki in your hand.


Alliance has better draw options, so just skip this card.


Sealed: 1/5
Constructed: 1/5
Casual: 2/5
Raid: 1/5

Red Comet Corki's Ransom

Hmm a reusable draw engine. Pretty cheap to boot.

Other than that not that spectacular.


Constructed: 3/5


Raid: 1/5

Corki's Ransom (Alliance)


Put Corki's Ransom into its owner's hand and pay 2 to complete this quest.

Reward: Draw a card.

Well... this one is kind of strange... on the upside, its cheap, reusable card draw.  On the downside, you will be a resource behind if you use it.

Later in the game, this might not be so bad, or if you are running a deck that only needs a few resources to successfully work.  In a raid, this card may come in pretty handy, though, as late game is where all the fun happens, and by then, you should have plenty of resources.

Sealed: 4/5 Cheap, reusable card draw.

Constructed: 3/5 Putting yourself a resource behind can really hurt hear.

Casual: 3/5  There isn't anything really "Fun" about this card.  And casual is about fun.  So, its about the same as constructed.

Raid: 4/5  Late game, extra card draw can be great for anyone, especially healers and tanks.



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