
John Elsey - A glimpse at Pokemon Ruby.

I've finally got my hands on PoKeMoN Ruby and here's what I found...
...It's really cool, there are as usual 3 Pokemon that you get to choose at the beginning of the game...
...And even the screen for that is quite funky...
..I chose the really cute blue one on the right, he was a 'Mizugorou' but now he's evolved into a 'Numakuro' which looks like this...
...Still very cute and looks quite alot like 'Machop' so I'd guess he was either a 'Water/Fighting' or 'Water/Ground' type Pokemon
So far I've found 2 Gyms and got one badge. The first Gym that I found, I couldn't fight in so I guess it'll be a bit like the Earth badge Gym in the other Pokemon games where ya have to come back to it at a later point in the game. The first gym looks like this...
...And on the inside looks like this...
...Anyway, just as I was about to kick the crap out of this Gym leaders Pokemon I was interupted by some guy who wanted to show me how to catch Pokemon ( Where has he been since Pokemon Green came out in Japan? ) and then when I want back to the gym I cauldn't fight the shady looking guy in there...
...So on with the adventure I end up fighting all sorts of people on route to my next town, like Bug Catchers, Lads, Lasses, etc.( and even a new one called 'Mini-skirt chick' which is quite amusing ) oh yeah and of course the compulsary 'Rival' who seems to be the other selectable character from the beginning of the game ( Male/Female ) and she looks like this...
...Oh, and did I mention that there's a GameCube in the bedroom now, LOOK!!!...
...Anyway, so there I am at the second Gym that I arrive at and hooray, I get to destroy her stupid Geodude & some crazy new Pokemon that looks like a rock with a Beak...
...Sadly for her my clever Water/Ground type Pokemon wasn't interested in the health issues of her stupid Brock wannabie Pokemon...

...Oh well it had an interesting end to it all cos I got a lovely badge which got added to my trainer card that now looks like this...
...Ok so I've failed to mention any graphical flair in the game so here goes.
All the doors to the bulidings have a little animation so when you go through them you get to see them opening so that means that all the sliding doors slide etc. Also the water is much more impressive than any of the previouse versions of the game. With patches having a different texture to other bit of water like maybe a steady rock or possibly a tide and other suck differences. Oh and it reflects stuff too...

...As well as the reflections the puddles also give out ripples as you walk through them and footprints appear in the sand as you trot along the beaches, and the even bushes swish about as you push throught them looking for a wild Pokemon to beat on...
..Also there's the possibility to link upto 4 GBA's together to have a 2 vs 2 battle which should proove to be very interesting...
...The Pokedex is alot nicer too, the picture refreshes instantly so it doesn't take an age to get from one end of it to the other like it did in GS. Also as you scroll down the list, the pictures appear on what can only be compared to a fruit machine wheel, and it looks really nice and fluid. When you goto the info on a Pokemon and listen to their 'Cry' you get a neat little sound wave thing at the bottom of the screen and a funky DB counter type thing on the right...

...Here's a picture of the local shops...
Generally it's alot nicer than the others and it makes me proud to have a GBA. Can't wait for the UK relese so I can pop out to my local shops to get in-line with all the 10yr old kids to purchase a copy for my self ;)
Thank you for your time,
Name : Jonathan Elsey
Age : 22 ( Hey! ya never too old ;)