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Nexus May 2007
by Sith Dragon


I am writing this both for Pojo and the boards, so forgive some redundancies here and there.  Nexus is our bi-annual tournament that draws people from the Lincoln and Omaha areas (a of course the hothies from Iowa) for what most could consider a regional quality tournament.  It is a 200 point constructed event that uses a bit different rules.  There is no gambit, and any map may be used.  Players are ranked by win/loss with the tiebreaker being the number of points scored (total points defeated, and your total that survived). 


We had 12 players this year, as several of the usuals were unable to make it this year.  In the past we have had around 20.  I ran Billiv’s Exar Sings squad.  For those of you unfamiliar with it, it is as follows:


Exar Kun

Aurra Sing


Sly Moore

Medical Droid

x4 ugnaughts


Lobot’s reinforcements are usually going to be a pair of swoops, or a swoop and ugs.  The whole point to the squad is that you run a swoop bike towards some beefy character.  Sly dominates Exar who then transfers into the bike to triple.  Since that was not Exar’s turn, he still gets his normal triple where he can either triple and transfer out or rage for 90 more damage.  With a 19 attack, you are not usually going to miss.


Round 1: I finally got to meet and play ladie hothie(Finished 7th at 2-2).  She was running a rebel squad with twin attacking, mobile attacking elite hoth troopers.  It was something like: Ackbar, Han RH, Lando, Hoth Leia, Chewie RH, Rebel Captain, 3-4 EHTs, and R2.  I have played a similar squad and it runs pretty well, but it gets hard keeping all of those within-6 CEs lined up.  I won map and chose the temple map from the attack on endor set.  I stared on the ship side.  My reinforcements were a Bike and three ewoks.  My favorite part of this game actually had nothing to do with us.  About 3 minutes into the tournament, a cry goes up from the other end of the room.  Damegafish’s full health General Windu was disintegrated on the opening shot by Knightswhosayni’s Boba.  She made the mistake of bringing all of her characters up through the door at the edge of the map.  She moved Han up and Exar pounced.  He did a quick 60 before Chewie could get up to Han.  The next turn she moved Chewie up to Han, but Exar stayed put and sith raged for 90 more HP.  Aurra added another 30 by shooting Han.  That killed Chewie.  Exar took a ton of damage, but in the end he survived with a mere 10 HP.  She had several shots on him at the very end, but the +6/+8s she had couldn’t connect.  I lost my med droid and my scrubs for I think 24 points.  (1-0)


Round 2:  The second round I was finally able to play Knightswhosayni (finished 3rd at 3-1).  KWSN is the #1 player in Nebraska.  He has come down to Lincoln a few times, but I have never been able to play him.  I was excited just from that.  He was running something like: Boba BH, R2, Depa, Padme CS, Bacara, Sev, 4-5 Elite Clone Troopers.  He won map and chose Korriban.  I thought I was dead to rights before it even started.  I think I won side choice, not that it mattered.  The only chance I had was to bring in two bikes for reinforcements and pray I could get one of  them down there to transfer Exar into.  I won init, thankfully, and did just that.  Ran a bike right at him and transferred into it.  Exar then transferred and hit Boba for 20.  He stayed for the moment with Boba and twinned for 40 on Kun.  In hindsight he said he shoulda stepped back and gone for Sly instead.  Don’t remember the other move (Depa?).  He set it up so that Depa was the only follower next to Padme, so since she didn’t have anyway to BG Depa, I raged Kun and killed her.  Honestly, the rest of the game is a bit of a blur.  I managed to kill Fett fairly quickly, but the fun part of the game was the die rolling.  I think most every init roll was decided by nothing higher than a 6.  Also, My Aurra made every domination save even with force rerolls until the very end of the game, so she was never dominated when it counted.  Also, She missed just about every shot she tried taking.  Exar did most of the killing himself.  It got so bad at the end that I tried to dominate KWSN’s final ECT just to get rid of the last 10 HP on R2.  Exar ended up dying, but by then it was just R2 a wounded Padme and 1 ECT Vs. my entire squad, save Exar.  As I said Aurra missed about every shot and domination so by the time I took Padme out,  His ECT had killed all my ugs and lobot.  I was quickly watching my grasp on this game dwindle because I couldn’t hit crap!  I think the only survivors at the end were Aurra and a damaged Sly.  Talk about bloody!  And the die rolls were so bad that we were both laughing.  An ugly win is still a win though.  (2-0)


Round 3:  Round three was against Admiral Palleaon (finished 10th at 1-3), a local.  The fun thing about these tourneys is getting to play the Omaha guys.  Well, as it turned out I was AP’s third Lincoln player, and even his last round was against a Lincolnite.  Anyway, he ran Han RH, Jaina, Aurra, Talon, Kyle, and Corran.  I have played him a few times and he is very proficient with this squad.  His big problem was that about every squad he faced, the squads were not using commander effects enough to make Talon worth it.  I won Map and chose the temple map again, ending up on the ship side.  A few rounds passed as he was unsure how to approach me.  I finally got my opening and bike swapped Exar in and killed Han.  That really halved his power output.  I swapped him back out, and I made him come after me.  I did some pot shots with Aurra, and ended up using my second bike to go get Jaina.  I rolled a crit on the last attack, killing her when she otherwise would have lived.  Corran tried to bull-rush Aurra and Sly, but I was able to take him down before he could get to them with Aurra’s help.  She did much better this game than the previous.  In the end it was Kyle and talon vs. the rest of my squad.  They couldn’t do enough damage and folded quickly.  I lost 24 points again with my med droid and ugs.  (3-0)


Round 4:  Now THIS was a fight!  Not that the others were not, but I knew this was as about even as you get.  I played Matt H (finished 4th at 3-1).  He was running a squad I had thought of several times, but could never seem to get it into a form I thought would work.  He ran: Thrawn, Mas, Lobot, 4-LOM BH, ASP-7, Boba BH and a couple stormies.  He won map and went with the starship, and I ended up with the reactor side.  He chose a quarren assassin and R5 for his reinforcements and I chose the two bikes again.  He set his squad up in the airlock except for Lobot who was in the room.  He ran Boba up into the elevator shaft, so I used a bike swap to lay 60 down on him using dominate, but then Exar got hit by a paralysis shot from 4-LOM and failed the save, so Exar couldn’t jump out.  The next turn he used shot Exar again and I made the save.  He ran Boba for the room, but I used my second bike to jump in and get rid of him.  Rule #1, Boba goes down no matter what ASAP.  Here is where the strategy changed.  On the next two inits, he rolled back-to-back 1s!  I had a choice after the first 1.  I could either charge Exar in and lay on the pressure, or swap out.  Since Boba was down Since he had the ASP to lift 4-LOM out of the way, charging wasn’t as sure as I wanted it to be, I opted to play it safe and swapped Exar back into an Ug, so my med droid could go to work.  It made him come to me slowly while my med droid repaired lots of damage to both Exar and Aurra.  I was content to pick off his stormies while he cam up.  4-LOM damaged Exar and Aurra a few times, but the heat was turned on and I finally managed to take out 4-LOM.  All said and done the game went about 57 minutes and I ended up losing only my scrubs and Lobot I think.  It was a tight, tense match, and very well played on both sides.  The 1s seriously helped, but I do not know if it did anything but alter my strategy in which case Exar would have gone down, but I do not know how fast.  It would have depended on paralysis rolls.  He could have done the job just by surviving a couple of them.  (4-0)


By the end of the day I was ready to wing Aurra down a trash compactor.  Whatever she used to be, she was crap for me most of the day (no still not trading!) ;).  Every game was a blast, as were the people there – as usual.  I look forward to the next one.



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