The Pojo - TCG Set Lists / Price Guides - Japanese Neo 3 Base Set

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Pokemon Trading Card Game (TCG)
English Set Compositions and Price Guide
c.1999-2002 The PoJo --

 Japanese VS Expansion Set
Revised 03/08/02 GSH

Full Card List Notes

We are NOT selling cards. These are compiled for clarification of relative values and what you might expect to pay at a game store or collectible dealer for these cards.  These cards do not have levels (Lv) indicated on them as the cards in the past have.  This is also the first time that the Japanese have issued "first edition" cards.  This set is the first Japanese set to use the new redesigned back.  Another first for the Japanese cards is that the cards are numbered like the English cards; X number of a set (ex. 1/141).  This set also has an "extra" card in it; Rocket's Tyranitar is 142/141.  The only problem with this is that the Japanese neglected to number the nine Energy cards like the English sets do, so this VS set totals 151 cards.
1st Ed.  Card # Rarity  Color  Poke # Card Name
$0.50 1/141 C #018 Faulkner's Pidgeot
$0.50 2/141 C #022 Faulkner's Fearow
$0.50 3/141 C #083 Faulkner's Farfetch'd
$0.50 4/141 C #085 Faulkner's Dodrio
$0.50 5/141 C #176 Faulkner's Togetic
$0.50 6/141 C #225 Faulkner's Delibird
$6.50 7/141 H #227 Faulkner's Skarmony
$0.50 8/141 C #012 Bugsy's Butterfree
$0.50 9/141 C #015 Bugsy's Beedrill
$0.50 10/141 C #127 Bugsy's Pinsir
$0.50 11/141 C #166 Bugsy's Ledian
$0.50 12/141 C #193 Bugsy's Yanma
$6.50 13/141 H #212 Bugsy's Scizor
$0.50 14/141 C #036 Whitney's Clefable
$0.50 15/141 C #040 Whitney's Wigglytuff
$0.50 16/141 C #053 Whitney's Persian
$0.50 17/141 C #108 Whitney's Lickitung
$0.50 18/141 C #162 Whitney's Furret
$0.50 19/141 C #241 Whitney's Miltank
$0.50 20/141 C #038 Morty's Ninetails
$0.50 21/141 C #094 Morty's Gengar
$0.50 22/141 C #097 Morty's Hypno
$0.50 23/141 C #105 Morty's Marowak
$0.50 24/141 C #164 Morty's Noctowl
$6.00 25/141 H #198 Morty's Murkrow
$0.50 26/141 C #200 Morty's Misdreavus
$0.50 27/141 C #026 Jasmine's Raichu
$0.50 28/141 C #082 Jasmine's Magneton
$0.50 29/141 C #125 Jasmine's Electabuzz
$0.50 30/141 C #135 Jasmine's Jolteon
$0.50 31/141 C #181 Jasmine's Ampharos
$6.50 32/141 H #208 Jasmine's Steelix
$0.50 33/141 C #057 Chuck's Primeape
$0.50 34/141 C #062 Chuck's Poliwrath
$0.50 35/141 C #112 Chuck's Rhydon
$0.50 36/141 C #128 Chuck's Tauros
$0.50 37/141 C #210 Chuck's Granbull
$0.50 38/141 C #232 Chuck's Donaphan
$0.50 39/141 C #087 Pryce's Dewgong
$0.50 40/141 C #091 Pryce's Cloyster
$0.50 41/141 C #131 Pryce's Lapras
$0.50 42/141 C #144 Pryce's Articuno
$6.50 43/141 H #215 Pryce's Sneasel
$0.50 44/141 C #221 Pryce's Piloswine
$0.50 45/141 C #225 Pryce's Delibird
$0.50 46/141 C #009 Clair's Blastoise
$0.50 47/141 C #124 Clair's Jynx
$0.50 48/141 C #130 Clair's Gyarados
$0.50 49/141 C #149 Clair's Dragonite
$0.50 50/141 C #186 Clair's Politoed
$0.50 51/141 C #226 Clair's Mantine
$0.50 52/141 C #230 Clair's Kingdra
$0.50 53/141 C #026 Lt. Surge's Raichu
$0.50 54/141 C #171 Lt. Surge's Lanturn
$0.50 55/141 C #178 Sabrina's Xatu
$0.50 56/141 C #196 Sabrina's Espeon
$0.50 57/141 C #131 Misty's Lapras
$0.50 58/141 C #195 Misty's Quagsire
$0.50 59/141 C #182 Erika's Bellossom
$0.50 60/141 C #189 Erika's Jumpluff
$0.50 61/141 C #015 Janine's Beedrill
$0.50 62/141 C #024 Janine's Arbok
$0.50 63/141 C #049 Janine's Venomoth
$0.50 64/141 C #110 Janine's Weezing
$0.50 65/141 C #168 Janine's Ariados
$0.50 66/141 C #169 Janine's Crobat
$0.50 67/141 C #213 Janine's Schuckle
$0.50 68/141 C #139 Brock's Omastar
$0.50 69/141 C #141 Brock's Kabutops
$0.50 70/141 C #157 Blaine's Typhlosion
$0.50 71/141 C #219 Blaine's Magcargo
$0.50 72/141 C #080 Will's Slowbro
$0.50 73/141 C #103 Will's Exeggutor
$0.50 74/141 C #124 Will's Jynx
$0.50 75/141 C #178 Will's Xatu
$0.50 76/141 C #196 Will's Espeon
$0.50 77/141 C #199 Will's Slowking
$0.50 78/141 C #203 Will's Girafarig
$0.50 79/141 C #169 Koga's Crobat
$0.50 80/141 C #205 Koga's Forretress
$0.50 81/141 C #068 Bruno's Machamp
$0.50 82/141 C #106 Bruno's Hitmonlee
$0.50 83/141 C #107 Bruno's Hitmonchan
$6.50 84/141 H #208 Bruno's Steelix
$0.50 85/141 C #217 Bruno's Ursaring
$0.50 86/141 C #237 Bruno's Hitmontop
$0.50 87/141 C #078 Karen's Rapidash
$0.50 88/141 C #126 Karen's Magmar
$0.50 89/141 C #136 Karen's Flareon
$6.50 90/141 H #248 Karen's Tyranitar
$6.50 91/141 H #197 Karen's Umbreon
$0.50 92/141 C #229 Karen's Houndoom
$5.00 93/141 H #202 Rocket's Wobbuffet
$6.50 94/141 H #243 Rocket's Raikou
$6.50 95/141 H #244 Rocket's Entei
$6.50 96/141 H #245 Rocket's Suicune
$0.50 97/141 C #006 Lance's Charizard
$0.50 98/141 C #130 Lance's Gyarados
$0.50 99/141 C #142 Lance's Aerodactyl
$0.50 100/141 C #149 Lance's Dragonite
$0.50 101/141 C #181 Lance's Ampharos
$0.50 102/141 C #230 Lance's Kingdra
$0.75 103/141 U T --- Faulkner's TM #1
$0.75 104/141 U T --- Faulkner's TM #2
$0.75 105/141 U T --- Bugsy's TM #1
$0.75 106/141 U T --- Bugsy's TM #2
$0.75 107/141 U T --- Whitney's TM #1
$0.75 108/141 U T --- Whitney's TM #2
$0.75 109/141 U T --- Morty's TM #1
$0.75 110/141 U T --- Morty's TM #2
$0.75 111/141 U T --- Jasmine's TM #1
$0.75 112/141 U T --- Jasmine's TM #2
$0.75 113/141 U T --- Chuck's TM #1
$0.75 114/141 U T --- Chuck's TM #2
$0.75 115/141 U T --- Pryce's TM #1
$0.75 116/141 U T --- Pryce's TM #2
$0.75 117/141 U T --- Clair's TM #1
$0.75 118/141 U T --- Clair's TM #2
$0.75 119/141 U T --- Janine's TM #1
$0.75 120/141 U T --- Janine's TM #2
$0.75 121/141 U T --- Will's TM #1
$0.75 122/141 U T --- Will's TM #2
$0.75 123/141 U T --- Bruno's TM #1
$0.75 124/141 U T --- Bruno's TM #2
$0.75 125/141 U T --- Karen's TM #1
$0.75 126/141 U T --- Karen's TM #2
$0.75 127/141 U T --- Rocket's TM #1
$0.75 128/141 U T --- Lance's TM #1
$0.75 129/141 U T --- Lance's TM #2
$0.25 130/141 C T --- Poition
$0.25 131/141 C T --- Moo Moo Milk
$0.25 132/141 C T --- Full Heal
$0.25 133/141 C --- Energy Pool 
$0.25  134/141  C --- Switch 
$0.25  135/141  C --- Warp Point
$0.25 136/141 C --- Super Scoop Up 
$0.25 137/141 C --- Energy Flow 
$0.25 138/141 C --- Energy Charge 
$0.25 139/141 C --- Energy Ark 
$0.25 140/141 C --- Pokemon Reverse 
$0.25 141/141 C --- Master Ball 
$15.00 142/141 H --- Rocket's Tyranitar 
$0.05 --- C --- Fighting Energy 
$0.05 --- C --- Fire Energy 
$0.05 --- C --- Grass Energy 
$0.05 --- C --- Lightning Energy 
$0.05 --- C --- Psychic Energy 
$0.05 --- C --- Water Energy 
$1.50 --- H --- Metal Energy 
$1.50 --- H --- Dark Energy 
$1.50 --- H --- --- Rainbow Energy


$165.00 Complete 151-card 1st Ed. Set


Release Date: August, 2001

Available in : 
    "Half-Deck" Packs
    Price: 725 Yen (about $  6.00)
    30 cards : 
      13 Rare Holo Pokemon Card 
      11 Common Pokemon Cards
      6 Trainer Cards
      12 Energy Cards (one of which is Holo) 

Set Size : 151 Total cards 
    By Rarity:
    13 Holographic Rare
    27 Uncommon
    111 Common 

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