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Groudon's Q & A


Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 5:52 PM

Subject: Regi Guide Pokemon Emerald

Yeah so Have been getting e-mails (13) of how to catch the regi's well look here we go.

So you start off the same by surfing to route 131 with relicanth wailord and a pokemon that knows dig then go down to the cave and dive swim all the way to the end of the underground water path and dive back up and go to the far back read the braille MAKE SURE YOU HAVE WAILORD LAST AND RELICANTH IN FRONT then use dig here's the switch Switch Relicanth and Wailord's spot so wailord should be in front and relicanth in the back.

Then read the braille again there should be an earthquake and now the doors of Ice Steel and Rock.

Now when your in the chambers.


Located in the desert Route 119.

Read Braille Take 2 steps left 2 steps down and then use rock smash.


Located route 105

Read Braille make a full lap around staying close to the edge once you have made a full lap around the cave and the door will open.


located on route 120

Read the Braille go to the middle of the room and use flash.

Hope you enjoyed this guide.


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