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William Hung

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William Hung's Underground Card Laboratory
New Lunarock (DX-on)
November 13, 2006

Hello trainers,
As we are approaching closer to City Championships, we not only explore and try out various decks, we've got to wonder what kind of decks we'll face.  The chances are good we'll face just about anything and everything.  So I recommend a deck that is consistent through all stages of the game, and just about every game.
Lunarock would be such a deck.  It uses plenty of disruption to hamper opponents, and slowly but surely weakening and knocking out opponent's Pokemon.
Pokemon (8):
3x Lunatone DX
1x Lunatone LM
3x Solrock DX
1x Solrock LM
Trainers (36):
4x Holon Transceiver
2x Holon Mentor
1x Holon Adventurer
1x Holon Lass
1x Holon Scientist
1x Holon Farmer
4x Energy Removal 2
4x Pokemon Reversal
4x Cursed Stone
3x Windstorm
4x Great Ball
2x Energy Root
2x Warp Point
3x Mary's Request
Energies (16):
6x Fighting
4x Rainbow
4x Holon FF
2x Cyclone/Heal
The biggest loss to this deck will be Pokemon Retriever.  Thus, it is imperative to compensate for that at least to some extent.  That's why I ran 4 Great Ball.  The other trainers are pretty straightforward - you can play around with the ratios and numbers.  Windstorm is crucial against Cessation Crystal, because otherwise your 60 HP Lunatone will get crushed easily.
Cyclone/Heal will depend on both metagame and preference.  As of right now, many popular decks are pure damage. (Banette ex, Metagross d, etc.)  Against those decks, Heal Energy doesn't have much value.
If you run this deck in City Championships, then your most important concern is to keep the full Bench of Lunatones and Solrocks healthy, along with keeping Cessation Crystal in check.  Have fun.
William Hung

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