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William Hung on Pokemon

The next deck on target watch...Scizor ex/Pidgeot/Metagross

Hello this is William Hung. I haven't written articles and done Card of the Day for a long while.
But whenever I write an article, I'll make it count.

So today I'll discuss the next big deck to watch out for during your City Championships and beyond
- Scizor ex/Pidgeot/Metagross (Deoxys).

You can check spoilers if you don't know what the cards do.

Scizor ex is extremely powerful. It is a stage 1 Metal Pokemon with 120 HP, with 2 solid, energy-efficient attacks. Steel Wing can KO Pokemon that are weakened enough and protect Scizor ex itself, while Cross-Cut will outright dominate most evolution decks. The Poke-Body is incredible as well. Whenever Scizor ex has less than 60 HP or less, Scizor ex's Attacks does 40 more damage. So if Scizor ex is loaded with Metal and you don't have a Fire pokemon or some Pokemon that can finish Scizor ex off, you can expect a world of hurt.

Metagross from Deoxys is an important secondary attacker. You prefer to just use its power Super Connectivity and fetch up needed Psychic or Metal energies, but in reality, you will need to use Link Blast to finish off opponent's Pokemon or to save Scizor ex and use it later in the match (i.e. let's say your Scizor ex has taken 70 damage, you Link Blast to finish off your opponent's weakened Pokemon, then use Scizor ex that can deal most likely 120 damage and KO another one of your opponent's full-health, vital attacker).

All right, here's my version of the deck (since it's already very popular, IMO):

Pokemon (21):
4x Beldum (Hidden Legends - Call for Family) 3x Metang (Deoxys - Psychic Boom) 3x Metagross (Deoxys) 2x Pidgey 1x Pidgeotto 2x Pidgeot (Fire Red Leaf Green - Quick Search) 2x Scyther (Unseen Forces) 2x Scizor ex (Unseen Forces) 1x Deoxys ex (Attack Form)

Trainers (26):
4x Steven's Advice
4x Rare Candy
4x Island Cave
4x Prof. Elm's Training Method
2x Copycat
2X Rocket's Admin
2x Strength Charm
2x Great Ball
1x TV Reporter
1x Pokemon Retreiver

Trainers (14):
9x Psychic
4x Metal
1x Warp Energy

This deck is extremely unoriginal. But honestly, it is a very tough deck to beat. It has very few bad matchups overall, and it's going to have a great chance against just about every deck you can think of. If it has at least 35-40% chance to win even against the worst matchups, and a big favorite against numerous decks, it can easily dominate the metagame. There are still many unexplored possibilities, however, you're bound to face this deck, so you might as well be prepared for it.


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