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Blaze's Banter
The Turn 2 disruption deck
July 22, 2005

Welcome back to a new edition of Blaze's Banter.  After some of my own playtesting and playing in the Pokemon National Championships at Origins I've decided to review a deck that is very similar to the 15+ Champion's deck played by Seena G, it also came in 1st place in the 11-14 age division as well.  It is a Turn 2 disruption deck.   I normally don't do this as I like to review decks that are not major archetypes and do quite well with those non-archetype decks, but in preparation of the upcoming World Championships held in August in San Diego I'll be reviewing some of the major decks that will see play from the North American side.     


At 1st glance this deck will remind you of an old school deck called Haymaker, with the exception of the Medicham-ex evo. line as Haymaker did not run evos.  But what Haymaker was all about was speed and disruption.  And that is what Turn 2 is all about.  Turn 2 disruption decks have been made and played in various incarnations mainly using Muk-ex, Hariyama-ex, and Medicham-ex. Other Turn 2 decks that have been played using a similar Trainer engine are Dark Slowking and Dark Steelix to name a few.  Also you will see that there is an extremely low count of Pokemon and high count of Trainers.  Does anyone remember the phrase Trainermon'  That phrase came out during the Wizards days of Pokemon when the amount of Trainers in a player's deck really outnumbered the Pokemon and Energy counts.  Must used Trainers back then were always 4 copies of Professor Oak, Bill, CPU Search, Item Finder, Plus Powers, Energy Removal, and Gust of Wind to name the most popular.  In Turn 2 decks you have somewhat of the same idea of the high Trainer count with the use of 4 Swoop Teleporter, 4 Energy Removal 2,  4 Pokemon Reversal, and 4 TV Reporter.  You will probably even notice the absence of Steven's Advice in this build.  The reason for that is even though Steven's Advice is one of the most popular draw cards in the current Modified format, it really is useless against Turn 2 decks where the majority of times, the person that is playing Steven's will only net 1 card off of a good Turn 2 deck.  This basically slows down the opponent, and when they have to use cards like Rockets Admin. and Copycat in hopes of getting good cards, the Turn 2 player can still manipulate that.  The Turn 2 player drops cards from his hand to make sure the opponent can't copycat a lot of cards, and by using TV Reporter this helps with keeping the card count low in your hand.
Well what do you say is the disruption part of Turn 2'  Aside from the obvious trainers that have been reprinted in a 'flippy' sense it is  Medicham-ex's Poke-Body Wise Aura.  Wise Aura indicates that as long as Medicham-ex is your active Pokemon then each Pokemon (excluding Pokemon-ex) Both yours and your opponent's cant use Pokemon Powers.  So say bye bye to Pidgeot's Quick Search, Ludicolo's Swing Dance, Magcargo's Smooth Over, the Darkness Navigate and Dark Trance combo used in many Dark Dragonite decks, and etc.  Keep in mind though that Pokemon-ex are not affected by this so that Zapdos-ex can still use Legendary Ascent and Deoxys-ex can still use Change Form to name a couple.  What makes this so powerful is that with the use of Wise Aura and the 'flippy' trainers you can essentially lock down your opponent.  If you can hit that Reversal on say Magcargo then you can lock it in and your opponent cant use Smooth Over to get a Switch or Warp Point and then you can start beating down his threat on the bench with Medicham's 1st attack Pure Power. All the while using the Energy Removal 2 Trainer card and start discarding those precious energies off of their main attackers.  If your opponent can get some damage through on Medicham-ex then you can build up another one on the bench and then use Super Scoop-Up to prevent your active one from getting ko'd.
Let's look at Medicham's 2nd attack called Sky Kick.  Sky Kick does a base damage of 60 for only 1 Fighting and 2 C energies.  Then if the defending Pokemon has Fighting resistance, Sky Kick does an extra 30 damage.  This is awesome as many of the popular decks also use Fighting resistance Pokes like Pidgeot, Dark Dragonite, and Salamance.  Also many of the popular decks are also weak to Fighting such as Dark Electrode, Rockets Sneasal, Slaking, Spinning Tail-Tar, and Dark Amphy just to name a few.  So you can pile up the damage with Pure Power then ko a Fighting Resistance Poke with Sky Kick.
The use of a lone Wobby is purely tech.  Since Wobby has a Poke-Body it can still stop this deck and is also a good matchup against Zapdos-ex.  I can see the use of Space Center increasing as Wobby has resurfaced to counter these popular Psychic weak decks..  It is up to you but with 4 Swoop Teleporters it is very easy to get a surprise Power-up Wobby to get an easy ko in especially when time is called or if you are in Sudden Death.  Usually with this deck it doesn't get that far as it has a very fast set-up rate and a very fast ko ability that many games will be finished before time is called.
Here is an example decklist using the above mentioned strategies:


Pokemon - 13

4 ' Jirachi (Wishing Star)
4 ' Meditite
4 ' Medicham-ex
1 ' Wobbuffet

Trainers:  32
4 ' Swoop Teleporter
4 ' TV Reporter
4 ' Energy Removal 2
4 ' Super Scoop Up
4 ' Pokemon Reversal
3 ' Wally's Training
3 ' Rocket's Admin.
2 ' Island Cave
2 ' Battle Frontier
2 ' Pokemon Retriever

Energy: 15
10 ' Fighting
  3 ' Metal
  2 - Psychic
Finally with the new ruling that once a particular Stadium card is out a Stadium with the same name cant be replaced by it.  So what that means is that if you play Battle Frontier 1st then neither you or your opponent can replace that Battle Frontier with another Battle Frontier.  This makes getting out the Stadium card the fastest a race now because now that some decks like Zap-turn-dos run 4 Battle Frontiers that makes those 4 cards dead cards in a players deck.  Also this helps with the use of TV Reporter.  If you have a dead Stadium card that cant be played because of the new ruling then just dump it for your card for the TV Reporter discard. 
And as always this decklist is not the actual decklist that was used by either player but just a starting point to get you to start building and playtesting this awesome deck in preparation of the 2005 World Championships.  Also please contact me at JSChimento@aol.com or AIM me at JSChimento if you wish to discuss this article or any decks. 


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