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Blaze's Banter
Gardevoir deck
May 11, 2005

I hope everyone enjoyed my 1st article last week. Ok this week we are looking at a request from one of our overseas German players to take at look at a Gardevoir deck. I think that this is a good choice because now that Boost has been back in rotation since the last set before Emerald – Deoxys, Gardy players should be happy and I expect to see a bunch of Gardy decks cropping back up just in time for the Regional Championship. On top of that, Emerald also introduces us to a new set of Ralts, Kirlia, and yes of course Gardevoir. With the Emerald Gardevoir’s Heal Dance, we now have a solution to the Psy Shadow Gardevoir 20 damage per Energy that is Psy-Shadow’d. In the past I have seen people run potions with Psy-Shadow and that is still feasible but the flexibility that Gardevoir’s Heal Dance provides along with the already tight trainer spots gives us also another attack option if needed.

Keep in mind that the build I offer below is dependant upon getting Pidgeot up and running so that not only can you search your deck each turn with Quick Search for the Boost or Gardy evo-lines but you are also searching for the Psychic energy with Gardevoir’s Psy-Shadow. Your ideal setup will be with Wyanut’s Alluring Smile attack to either search for basics or your evo-lines. With 4 Celio’s and Alluring Smile going this should not be difficult to accomplish. You will also notice that there are only 10 basics and if you want to up the count to 4 Wynaut’s then take another card out. I don’t recommend running 2 Wobbuffet and definitely not 3 because Wobbs always seems to be my starting Pokemon when I run 2 or more. That is a decision I will leave up to you. But as long as your lone Wobbs is not prized you can always search out for him with Alluring Smile, Quick Search or Celio’s. It is always nice to see the look on your opponents face when you start with a Wynaut, have a Boost in hand, attach a Psychic for Alluring Smile for the Wobs then on 2nd turn a nice 50 damage to ko their lone basic.

So the premise on using the new Gardy from Emerald is to use the other Gardy’s PsyShadow Power on your Gardys or Gardy-ex and then Heal Dance the 20 damage right off. Just remember that Heal Dance can only be used 1 per turn. I think that you will find that there is a smitten of attack options with this deck and if it is at all like last year’s Pokemon Nationals, you should expect to see a lot of Blaziken and Gardy at the upcoming Regional Challenges.

I do offer this piece of advice that if Rock-Lock is uber popular in your area to switch out the Magnetic Storm Stadiums for Battle Frontier Stadiums and change the Pidgeot line to a 2-2 Magcargo Smooth Over. Just remember though that this deck will have problems facing the Spinning Tail Tyranitar without the Magnetic Storms. This is when you will want to use the attack Feedback to place counters on T-Tar which in turn will get through the Psychic Resistance. You can always switch out some trainers to include Crystal Shard which is highly recommended.

Pokemon – 21
3 – Wynaut
1 - Wobbuffet
4 – Ralts
2 – Kirlia
3 – Gardevoir (Psy Shadow)
1 – Gardevoir (Heal Dance)
2 – Gardevoir-ex
2 – Pidgey
1 – Pidgeotto
2 – Pidgeot

Trainers – 23
4 – Steven’s Advice
4 – Rare Candy
4 – Celio’s Network
2 – Copycat
2 – Switch
2 – Magnetic Storm
2 – Energy Charge
1 – Surprise Time Machine
1 – Pokemon Retriever
1 – POW Hand Extension

Energy – 16
12 – Psychic Energy
4 – Boost Energy

Well I hope you enjoyed this article. This Saturday, May 14th, I will be at the Sheraton Meadowlands attending and participating in the East Coast Regional Championship. Hope to see many of you there!! Please contact me at JSChimento@aol.com  or AIM me at JSChimento if you wish to discuss this article or any decks.



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