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Pojo's NeoPets Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Neopets site

  Meerca Brothers

Base Set

Date Reviewed: 9.07.04

Average Rating: 2.3

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

mike2003ekim Meerca Brothers
Villain | Meerca | Air Dark
Strength 18 | Agility 9 | Magic 5 | Intelligence 21 "To play this, you need an Air or Dark Neopet.
When this Villain wins a contest, the player it defeated chooses a card in his or her bank and discards it.
When this Villain loses a contest, untap all its rivals."

This will be a relatively short review, as school starts tomorrow and I'm in a rush to get ready for bed. I've been fluttering around all day in this rush...

Anyway, the Meerca Brothers are an excellent addition to decks that rely on bank discard. They are also fairly good to add into a Dark deck, as Intelligence can be a soft spot. It also covers up Air's slight weakness in Strength (which is also covered by Battle Eyrie). You'll want to mostly keep this in Intelligence and rely on it to discard your opponent's bank. Use Symol Warrens or Maintenance Tunnels in order to maximize its effect.

However, your opponent is not going to start a contest that they are going to lose. This locks up an arena quite nicely, although it doesn't really serve its purpose as well. Plus, it still has that nasty "untap" line, which we all dislike. That drops its rating significantly.

Rating: 2.3/5



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