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Pojo's NeoPets Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Neopets site

  Jelly Shoyru

Hannah Set

Date Reviewed: 9.10.04

Average Rating: 3.6

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.


This card, like its four-legged brother that we reviewed yesterday, has a great Magic stat.  Its effect is awesome in my opinion.  It’s kind of like another Bori Miner.  Heck, if I didn’t need Cleansing Flames so much, I would use this card in my Bori Miner Deck.  Unfortunately, it needs to be in the “Jelly Arena” to use its awesome effect, and since Jelly World could easily be destroyed by another Location card, it’s going to be pretty tricky to use its effect.

Rating: 3.8/5 in certain decks (not all decks).  The ability to bank and draw at the same time?  That’s a book deck’s dream come true!!


Jelly Shoyru

Neopet | Experienced Shoyru Jelly | Air

Strength 3 | Agility 6 | Magic 14 | Intelligence 4

When this Neopet banks a card for winning a contest in the Jelly Arena, draw a card.

152/150 HatIC 'Secret' HoloFoil



We continue our Jelly week with the second of two Experienced Jelly Neopets, the Jelly Shoyru.  Like Jelly Poogle, this card has a useful ability that only works in the Jelly arena, and a very strong stat in Magic.  Unlike Poogles, there really haven't been many people trying out mono-Shoyru decks yet.  But, with the release of Shoyru Archer and Cloud Shoyru, there seems to be some growing interest in them :)





This card is very similar to Jelly Poogle in stats and usefullness.  Because Shoyru/Air decks aren't quite as powerful as Poogle/Water decks yet, I do have to rate this card a couple tenths of a point lower.  3.2 of 5.



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