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Pojo's NeoPets Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Neopets site

  Jelly World

Hannah Set

Date Reviewed: 11.08.04

Average Rating: 4.8

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.


In the website, Jelly World is a secret world the Neopets Team didn’t want you to know; but thanks to Neopets help sites, nearly everybody knows about Jelly World.


This is a very weird card.  In my opinion, Jelly World is like the Neopian equivalent to Yu-Gi-Oh’s Toon World.  What makes this card so weird is that it reveals a fifth and secret arena known as the Jelly Arena!  That’s right, there’s a fifth arena.  Unlike the other 4 arenas, the Jelly Arena lets you pick your Neopets’ best stats.  This could prove useful.  Think about it.  You’ll be able to use 2 Grarrl Gladiators for an awesome winning spree.  That does sound good, but Jelly World also has its own pets, which we will review later in the week.


Like Toon World, Jelly World works best if you built a deck around it; but also like Toon World, Jelly World suffers from a bad weakness even if you built a deck around it.  For starters, a “Jelly Deck” will solely depend around a Location card.  Destroying a Location card is as simple as playing another Location Card.  By playing another Location card, the Jelly World card will have to leave the Jelly Arena, therefore Jelly World is destroyed.  Second, since there are now 5 arenas if Jelly World is in play, and you’re limited to having up to 3 pets in play, you’re going to have 2 arenas in the open.  Your opponent, who is used to having 4 arenas, can exploit this to get some quick banks.  Lastly, since it’s a Location card, the “choose your stat ability” effects both players, meaning, for example, you opponent can play a 2nd Grarrl Gladiator into the Jelly Arena.


Rating:  5/5 in Jelly Decks.  It’s the heart and soul of a Jelly Deck.  I give Jelly Decks in general a 2/5 for now.  Until they make a card that negates Location cards like how Nothing Has Happened negates SHH cards, don’t count on using your Jelly pets’ abilities for a good while (again, we’ll review the Jelly pets later this week).

Carrie Jelly World
Play this card only in the jelly arena. Create one if it doesn't exist. When a contest starts here, each player chooses which stat he or she will use. A Villain uses the same stat as its rivals. When this Location leaves the jelly arena, move all Neopets here to the magic arena, then discard all cards left here. The jelly arena no longer exists.
Hannah and the Ice Caves 153/150 Holo Rare
Rating: 4.6

Well, it's Jelly Week here in Pojo's Neopets area! The problem being, how do we review something that doesn't exist? It's madness, I tell you. Well, let's assume that all readers here are as insane as I am and believe that Jelly World and the jelly arena DO exist. We'll just suspend reality for the week. :P

A card that creates a fifth, sixth, and even seventh arena is an incredible benefit. Pair this with the fact that there are other cards that get specific stat bonuses and abilities in these arenas, and you've struck gold.
But there are some challenges.

Siince you may only have three Neopets in play at any given time, you're going to need to either have some Villains to block the other arenas, or use certain Neopets that are able to get around to the jelly arena and cover the other arenas as well. Poogles or other Water based cards that can move around are a good option for this. Pair these up with cards that untap your Neopet (possibly Battle Stations in an Air/Water deck) so you can start more contests, and with the right card draw, you're in for a quick game!

I think we're going to see a lot of this imaginary location, especially in Water or Air decks. It's a great option, and will be hard to block or beat.



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