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Pojo's NeoPets Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Neopets site

  Grundo Warehouse

Dr. Sloth

Date Reviewed: 6.11.04

Average Rating: 2.20

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.


Grundo Warehouse

Locations | Light

To play this, you need a Light Neopet.  At the end of each player's turn, if that player has a Neopet here, he or she may draw a card.

7/100 RoDS Foil


Keeping with one of the most powerful themes of the Light Neopets, this location helps provide players with draw power.  It's fairly easy to use, simply drop it into any arena where you either have a good advantage, or don't have any opponent at all.  The downside, of course, is that your opponent gets to draw if they have a Neopet in the arena too, but it's a good way to lure a pet out from other arenas.  Of course, you could always put out more than one...




It's not bad, but it really isn't all that great either.  If you're looking to zoom through your deck and don't care if your opponent does too, this isn't a bad card to stick in your deck.  But, because it's so easy for your opponent to use too, I'm only giving it a 2.2 of 5.



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