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Pojo's NeoPets Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Neopets site


Return of Dr. Sloth

Date Reviewed: 6.03.04

Average Rating: 5

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

NeoJoe Domination
Something has Happened | Water

Choose one of your opponents Neopets. Untap it, and take control of it. (It stays in the same arena, it cannot be traded in or replaced) At the end of your turn, you give it back to your Opponent, (it stays in the same arena when you give it back)

If you thought the art on this card was good, the effect is just as stunning. For one turn, you can take control of your opponent's neopets. This card could give you some promising effects, and works in about every kind of deck, which is also great. For example, you could even take control of an experienced neopet that your opponent has, which tend to have higher stats than basic neopets. Just whip out one of these when your opponant feels confident of winning and BAM! You now control that Battle Jubjub, Jetsam Ace, etc. that your opponent controls. Final Verdict: Domiation gets a 5/5



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