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Pojo's NeoPets Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Neopets site

  Space Faerie Doll

Dr. Sloth

Date Reviewed: 7.16.04

Average Rating: 2.5

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

I would like to start by making a quick correction to Space Faerie's COTD on my part. As Deke pointed out, Space Faerie is not discarded until the end of your turn, making her a much more playable card, IMO. I won't change the rating, but I just felt as though it needed to be cleared. Anyway, let's move onto this...

Space Faerie Doll
Item | Doll
Strength +0 | Agility +1 | Magic +2 | Intelligence +1 "When you bank this card on your turn, for the rest of the turn, you may reroll your dice once each contest."
Bank: 3

The great Space Faerie has been immortalized in a plushy-type material, which you can have to put on your night stand, saving you from dreams of the evil Dr. Sloth. It wasn't good enough to just have a Space Faerie in this booster. They had to add the Space Faerie Doll and the Space Faerie Token, both of which I feel were made Holofoils only because of the fact that they are related to the Space Faerie, who was one of the main heroes in the great Return of Dr. Sloth battle. With that said, the Space Faerie Doll isn't a horrible card. It has a decent bank stat, and an interesting effect. But how does it rate? Does it deserve a spot in your deck? Let's find out...

Advantage F/H: If you play this in a contest, you're getting a practically non-existant boost. The best it gives is a +2 in Magic, which you could get from Sleep Ray (and we've already determined in that article that a +2 is quite ... crappy). But like many cards, you want to Bank this. Banking in itself makes you lose hand advantage, but puts you closer to winning the game. By banking this, it is giving you a slight field advantage of re-rolling you die once each contest. (Abusable with Battle Eyrie...3 chances to roll a 6) As well, it could lead to hand advantage, as having that extra chance to roll a 6 means another Draw (or another bank...).


Best Draw for the Situation: You only want to draw this when you have 3 Experienced Neopets already in position to begin contests with your opponent's Neopets. Unfortunately, people will hold this thing in their hand until the PERFECT moment comes along. Obviously, that means it's only great in the mid- to late-game, preferably when you're ready to bank your last few items for the win.


Attributes/Effect: The stat boosts are just horrid on this doll. They won't
help you out at all, seeing as how a dice roll can far surpass it. However,
with a bank of 3 and an effect to go with it, it becomes a little better. In
each contest, you can roll again. Unfortunately though, this becomes dead
weight in your hand unless you know that you can begin two more contests,
just to make it worthwhile. Obviously abusable with Battle Eyrie.


Dependability: Bank effects can never be completely dependable, especially
ones like this. If you have 3 contests ready to go, and wish to use it, you
need to win your first contest. If you do, it is worthwhile. If not, then
it's not so much ... Still, mid- to late-game, when you need only a few
banks to finish the game, this card will help out.


A BAD Score: 26.5/40 = 6.625/10

Space Faerie Doll

Item | Doll

Strength - | Agility 1 | Magic 2 | Intelligence 1

When you bank this card on your turn, for the rest of the turn, you may reroll your dice once each contest.

16/100 RoDS HoloFoil



This item has some potential.  To begin with, it's a 3-bank card.  If you aren't using any 5-bank cards, you will need a minimum of 6 cards banked to win, and 3 of them can be 3-banks.  I usually play a few 3-bank cards simply because they have better effects than playing all 4's.


It's effect is useful.  Sure, you don't get to use the effect in your first contest because it has to be banked for it to work, but the remaining 2 (more or less) contests you have can certainly benefit from the bonus reroll.  It doubles your chances of winning by a 6, or just to get something better than a one.


Remember sleep ray, the Darigan experienced neopets, and cards like Battle Eyrie?  Well, they all just found another partner to help maximize their effects.  If we get a few more cards like this in an upcoming set, I could see a deck like this becoming popular.





It's got potential.  Once we get some more cards with the same basic theme out there, it might start to see more playtime.  For now though, it's just a 2.9 of 5.



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