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Pojo's NeoPets Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Neopets site

Night Stone

Base Set

Date Reviewed: 2.23.04

Average Rating: 3.87

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

Paul Hagan  NIGHT STONE*
I really don't think I can say anything that isn't completely obvious about this card. If your Neopet has a higher attribute than your opponent's Neopet in an arena, they better have an item. If you are playing a Dark deck and this card isn't in it, you should be required to provide a written explanation to your opponent on why not.

Rating: don't get the last .5 points unless you can be played by everyone.


Equipment | Charm | Dark

Strength 0 | Agility 0 | Magic 0 | Intelligence 0 | Bank 2

To play this, tap 1 of your Dark Neopets.  Your opponent doesn't get to roll a die in contests against this Neopet or Hero on your turn.

70/234  Rare


This is simply one of the best equips out there, and to many people it's considered one of the broken cards of the game.  What makes it so powerful?  By taking away your opponent's dice roll, you not only stop them from being able to boost their pets stat by a decent roll, you take away that chance of them winning with a 6.  Of course, there is a downside, and that is that this card only works on your turn.


The best place to use this equip is when your pet is within 1 stat point (above or below) of your opponents pet.  The reason for this is even being 1 point below, you will automatically win unless your opponent risks using an item.  Either way, you will win or gain some hand control.  If you happen to draw your second and third nightstone, you would obviously want to spread them out between arenas to maximize their effect.




I'd currently rank this as one of the best equips out there.  Although it is really only helpful during half of the game (your turn), mastering the usage of these can give you a severe advantage and some speedy banking.  This card deserves a 4.6 of 5

Noah  Night Stone
Equiptment | Charm | Dark
Attack - | Agility - | Magic - | Intelligence -
" To play this tap one of your Dark Neopets.
Your opponent dosent get to roll a die in contests against this Neopet or Hero on your turn."

This may look like a good card when you first see it but when you start to look at it. Its not that good. Yes, it can be a contest winning card but is too situational and may not matter even if they cant roll a die. Lets look at the good and bad of this card like every other card.

Stops your opponent from rolling a die

Some cards are so powered up it dosent really even matter if they cant roll.
Low banking
No stat gain
I'll give this card an overall rating of
2.5/5- I just cant see how this card could ever be usefull. Yeah the effect is nice but other equips are MUCH better.



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