-----Original Message----- From: Phillip Howard [mailto:zelgadis63@yahoo.com] Sent: Monday, May 02, 2005 12:32 PM To: megamanstaff@pojo.com Subject: Megaman Top 10 Top 10 Navis 10. GutsMan - The only Navi capable of using the ElecTeam card effectivly, that alone gives him the #10 spot over all the others not on this list. With so much resource destruction, and Dex to help him out. You can make sure that the only resources in play are Yellow. 9. SnakeMan - Red, red and lots of red. SnakeMan has a decent set of stats, and some great cards. Snakeman also has 1 of the only 2 cards in the game with a 6 destiny. Not the highest, but 6 is really great. 8. MagnetMan - He is strong, really strong. In a good Yellow/Blue deck you can blast every turn. You should have your opponent done for in no time. 7. IceMan - Play 30+ resources that have no requirements (0 power to play) with some recharge and a Handy Work here or there, and you opponents will be struggling for resources. 6. WackoMan - Super recharge guy. If you can win your first game with a big enough difference, you won't even need to win the second game, just recharge as often and as much as possible so the game takes forever. 5. ElecMan - With the right ElecMan deck, you have the potential of Blasting 6 times in one turn. There are alot of chips that require you to burn 5 power (M-Cannon, LifeAura) they are easily playable in an ElecMan deck, 5 power happens in 2 turn most of the time. 4. AirMan - Doesn't look like much at first. But using a chip heavy deck with Chip Junkie and your opponent will never have enough out to do anything. 3. WoodMan - By far, WoodMan has some of the most broken cards. (Just look at Branched Out and Bamboo Lance... see the combo?) Lots of Green with a decent red splash and your opponent has some painful splinters. 2. PharaohMan - Yellow Control, sounds odd, but this is the Navi to do it. PharaohMan is another Navi used in Top Tier decks. 1. MagicMan - MBM decks are winning tournaments like it's going out of style. MagicMan has balanced stats, and a great ability. Plus some of the best Navi-Specific Cards.