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FMA Top Ten  

From: Sean Handy [mailto:andro_sphinx@yahoo.com]
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 12:47 AM

Subject: top ten mobs (Shakezilluh the McShake Alchemist's)

Hey, its Shakezilluh, the Mcshake Alchemis's top ten mob deck cards

10.Rally the People

This one is really, really situational it is really good at the right times, because it can really make your opponent mad with things like Leto's Faithful

9.Ishbal Ruins

This card is just so good because there are factions that don't even have mobs in their tier 1 format decks so it is doubtful your opponent will even try to win this, all they can usually do is try to stop you, plus, it is a strength battle and goal so it just increases the mob theme. . .

8.Liore Bartender - Highestrung man

This card is simply wonderful for obvious reasons that I don't see my need to explain.

7. Loyalty

This card is sooooo good, it just helps with the whole outswarming your opponent thing w/out concequences.

5.Trend Follower

This card is sooooo broken, I would have probably sent hate e-mail to the creators if this had been made a mob, thankfully though I don't have to because the reason I would do taht is that there is that possibility that this guy could cost 0. . .

5. Clue for the Search

This card is this high on the list because mobs are supposed to be inexpensive so you shouldn't really need to worry about getting above lvl 2 so you exp isn's that big of a deal. The main reason that this is soooo high though is because one of the only things that mob is good for is strength, while it has decent alchemy, there are only a handful of non-strength mobs so this helps you not having to worry about losing too-many locations. . .

4. Refugee Camp

This is easily the best location in mob, it reduces their cost by 1, with harbinger, it reduces them by 2, and it is a battle and goal of strength.

3. Leto's Faithful - Citizens of Liore

This also is wonderful since the idea is to try to get 1,000,000 mobs out and this guy gets also +1 per each of those million mobs a- oops, getting a bit carried away. . .

2. Scar - Harbinger of Chaos

This card just reduces and helps with my favorite deck that I've ever built. It uses the claire cycle to make me able to play all of my allys with my level 1 leader and so then I get to use 3 absorbtions, 3 clue for the searchs and 3 Blood & Waters.

1. Claire - Nurse

This card is just sick when used in combo with the schoolteacher, 'nuff said. . .

Anyway, lemme's just give you one little kernal of advice before I'm hauled off, bout a ceratin little stone - Psiren - Clue for the Search Flavor Text

There are two kinds of rebel, there is mob and beats/control, never mix them, it is a bad idea, mix the control idea of the second if you want to try it but one of the beatsticks in beats is Loner, which doesn't quite mix with mobs as well as some would like. . .


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