The Dark Tide

Lee Sandow

Galactic Quest Comics

Lawrenceville, GA




Today was an uneventful, normal play day.  No special conditions, no draft, no mono-color challenge.  Nothing.  I was looking forward to this, because I’d modified the Dark Tide since my near victory at the tournament of the five civilizations, and I wanted to see how it would do.  I started the day by picking Austin up and driving him to the tournament, then leaving briefly to pick Justin up and take HIM to the tournament (I’ve got to start charging these guys for rides).  Anyways, one o’clock rolled around, and it was tournament time.  This was what the dark tide looked like today.


Dark Tide!! (44 Cards)


2x Writhing Bone Ghoul

4x Horrid Worm

2x Zagaan, Knight of Darkness


4x Terror Pit

4x Death Smoke


4x Corile

4x Aqua Hulcus

4x Hunter Fish

4x Aqua Jolter

2x Crystal Paladin My personal savior.


4x Spiral Gate

2x Crystal Memory

2x Teleportation

2x Brain Serum




Four rounds of the swiss scoring system, person with the most points after four rounds wins.  Matches are played 2 out of 3.  First place gets some Promos, and three Booster Packs, Second Gets Two Packs, third gets one, and one is given out to the most sportsmanlike. 


The store had received a bunch of “new” JDC promos (not new, just new to the store), so we all got a few cool promos.  Today’s event would be DCI sanctioned, so I was pumped for victory.  Parings for round one were announced…




Is that how you spell bye?  Would it be buy?  Maybe bi, or perhaps bie.  I have no idea.  All I know is, this counted for two wins on my part, which couldn’t do me wrong.  I contented myself to watching others duel, and dueling a kid who had just bought a starter set.  I also fought the storeowner, and managed to scrape a win against his deck.  Austin had to face Flametropus, and Austin got pwnzored, so I wouldn’t have to deal with him.  Good times.  This round took forever, and I was glad when it got done so I could resume dueling.  2-0





I am sorry friend, but I failed to remember your name when I was writing this report.  Anyways, this guy was using a light/nature deck, with many big creatures and a fair number of blockers.  I’ll admit that the formula for this deck was very interesting.


DUEL ONE:  I drew a hand with only one card that cost more than four mana, so I was able to rush his shields very quickly.  He summoned some blockers after awhile though, but my Teleportation made short work of them.  3-0

DUEL TWO:  Once again, I drew a cheap hand, but he was able to amass many blockers rather quickly as well, so I wasn’t able to do much damage to his shields.  I managed to kill any creature he summoned that was able to attack, because I knew his blockers would die in due time.  I dropped a Crystal Paladin to clear the way once, and broke three shields.  He re-summoned all his blockers, and on my next turn, I top-decked another Paladin and dropped it for the game.  4-0


I was hoping to duel Flametropus next (He had built hid deck to counter mine and Austin’s, and I wanted to see how good it would do), but he had unfortunately lost that round.  My next opponent was Tyler.




Tyler and I had never faced each other in a normal constructed tournament match.  Not since the mall tour about seven months ago.  He’d been talking smack for a while, saying he would ‘own’ me in this match, and I just rolled my eyes and said, whatever.


DUEL ONE:  Tyler was using a Green/Black shield trigger deck, which didn’t concern me at all.  He summoned a few barkwhips, which all quickly met their maker.  When he summoned Fighter Dual Fang, it broke two shields, one of which happened to be Terror Pit.  That was game one.  5-0

DUEL TWO:  I had g0dly shields this game, including two more Terror Pits.  He summoned a Fighter Dual Fang while I had two untapped Horrid Worms on the field.  He broke two shields, one of which was spiral gate.  So Fighter Dual Fang went bye bye.  I then discarded it from his hand with Horrid Worm, but ended up breaking a Dimension Gate as a shield.  He searched his deck for another Fighter Dual Fang… Which my second Horrid Worm discarded.  Fun stuff.  6-0  This would come back to bite me later.


Tyler wasn’t going to take this loss lying down, so we dueled twice more, and each time I had awesome shields.  Finally, the results were in.  For this fourth round, Justin and I were in the finals, with six points each. 




Justin was using an “unreal” deck as the storeowner put it, but I wasn’t too concerned about it.  He was using a lot of bounce (Saucer Headed Shark and Corile), along with some good old destruction.  Sounds familiar, right?  


DUEL ONE:  I felt like I was fighting a mirror.  Both of us were using Blue/Black, and we Corile Locked one another for a while.  Finally, when he had no shields left and I had no creatures, he decided to chance one shield, which ended up being Aqua Jolter.  He had no blockers, so that was game one.    7-0

DUEL TWO:  Once again, we were big on killing one another.  I rushed him with several liquid people, and he was only able to dispose of one per turn.  Finally, I dropped the Paladin and swung for the win.  8-0


I won!  I h4d pwnz0red j00! 





I’ll lay off the Haxorz now, but I was seriously happy to have won this week.  Justin placed second, and their was a four way tie for second.  Hey had a quick round-robin tournament, which Austin won for third place.  I had to rush home for a violin recital, so I grabbed my packs and promos for winning and ran.


Now, to slops and Props.



Three Booster Packs

Getting many JDC promos I needed



Morph3us for actually contacting me



Didn’t get to oober Austin

Jack in the packs


I was glad to win this week, since I lost last week by one card.  If you wish to speak to me, feel free to e-mail me or AIM me.  I’m always happy to talk.  Oh, by the way, does anyone have a JDC:  Gigaberos, Ucarn, Giliam the Tormentor, or Amnis, Holy Elemental for trade.  They are the only cards I need.  E-mail me if you want to trade.  Anyways, Happy Holidays everyone.  I’ll get back to writing reports next year.  Till then, happy dueling!


Lee Sandow

AIM:  Skywalker1187





Cost:  6

Civilization:  Water

Card Type:  Creature
Creature Class:  Fish

Power: 4000

Mana Generated: 1

Rarity:  Very Rare

Card Number:  ??/110


I love Seamine.  He is very cool looking, and I just wish he could have been usable.  As is, he is still one of my favorite cards because I love rooting for the underdog.  But let’s look at him realistically.  He has no evolutions, no special abilities other than to block attacks by some weaker creatures, but a Barkwhip the Smasher can make short work of him.  For 6 mana, I’d rather be dropping a blocker like Gran Gure. 


Constructed:  No.  Just no.  This guy is over-costed as all, and even though he is a blocker that can attack, there is no reason to use him.  1/5


Limited:  He’s Ok here.  4000 attack can block a good chunk of the creatures in base set, and his ability to attack in a pinch is nice as well.  He is costly though, but definitely usable in this format.  3/5