Stegy's Origins Duel Masters Report


Stegy's Origins Report

Columbus, OH
Adam Trunzo (Stegyman)
June 24th-June 26th, 2004


 Hey all! I just recently played in the Origins Duel Masters tournaments and I loved it! I met some really cool people (Adam B., Tan, and Brian) and played a LOT of games. The whole Origins environment always made me nervous, and I'm sure that's the case for everyone who attends. This year would have been my forth year (or third, I can't remember) playing at Origins, but it was my first year not playing Pokemon. This year, of course, I played Duel Masters. Now I will have to confess that up until June 24th I had NEVER played a Duel Masters game against another person--ever! I mean sure, I've played against myself and whatnot, but I still never played an actual game with another person.


 I only live about an hour and 15 minutes away from Columbus, so my wonderful mom drove me all three days that I went--down AND back. I get there on Thursday; wait in line for like, half an hour; register, and finally head down to the TCG hall. I sign up for the 1:00pm Duel Masters tournament using my Red/Blue deck and made some trades to get some needed cards (never managed to get an Armored Blaster Valdios, though) before the actual tournament starts.


 We played best 2/3 with 50 minute matches.


 -First game: I can't remember =(
 I seriously cannot remember how this game went or who I played, and I only know that I won. I sure do have a terrible memory! XD


 -Second game: Adam B. I think
 Adam was playing mono-Red which was insanely fast. I had 3 Holy Awe in my deck so I wasn't TOO worried. We went into a third game and the last shield he broke contained a Holy Awe which won me the game. BROKEN CARD XD


 -Third game: NO IDEA
 For the life of me I can't remember who I played on Thursday. I know that I either lost this game, netting me a 2-1 record, or lost the previous game against somebody else other than Adam. I was 2-1 at this point, and I know that for a fact.


 -Forth game: ...
 I won this game, giving me a 3-1 record.


 Afterthoughts: Okay guys, listen: EVOLUTIONS OWN THE ENVIRONMENT. Seriously! Armored Blaster Valdios, Barkwhip the Smasher, and Fighter Dual Fang are absolutely amazing. With four Mana you can drop a Burning Mane/Steel Smasher and evolve it into a Barkwhip to take an easy shield or to pick off a tapped creature. After seeing all these evolutions in action I added 3 Armored Cannon Balbaro into my deck (..I didn't have Valdios, okay?! =P) just so I could run an evolution.


 I nabbed third place and won four boosters. There were only about 14 people playing so the prizes weren't so good. The tourney ended much earlier than it was supposed to so I had a lot of time to kill. I walked around and talked to Fubu, Seena, and all them before heading over to one of the exhibit halls and buying an Archfiends booster pack thing for DnD. It was only after I opened it that I wanted the Halbringer set, but that's okay =D I lost one of the minis, though, so I'm kind of sad. Luckily it wasn't the rare (it was that Ochre Jelly thing if anyone was wondering).


 Finally 5:00pm rolls around and I play in another Duel Masters tournament. I played my Red/Blue deck again except I added Armored Cannon Balbaro. Ugh.


 -Round one: not too sure..
 I don't remember this except that I won. My memory is so.. [pause].. what was I saying?


 -Round two: can't but a name to the face, Jesse P. I think
 He trounced me 2-0. He played Water/Nature. I'll just leave you with that.


 -Round three: not too sure...
 Guys, Thursday is like a blur to me. I either remember winning, or losing. I won this game.


 -Round four: probably blocked it out
 Notice a trend from my last tournament? Well, you're wrong! =P I lost this match.


 Afterthoughts: Okay, I knew at that time that evolutions were broken--seriously. You had to run some type of an evolution speed deck to even stand a chance in the environment. That got me thinking.


 So I ended 2-2 and got 9th place. I didn't earn anything, but that's okay--I found a new deck to play =D I went home and spend about half an hour building my Water/Nature evolution deck. After it was built I was missing a few cards, but I eventually bought them at the convention center the next day.




 FINALLY we get to Friday. Okay, I found out in the morning on Friday that the Duel Masters tournament that started at 1:00pm actually started at 11:00pm, so I missed the first one. I ended up going later and playing in the 4:00pm tournament with my Water/Nature deck.


 Okay guys and gals, I seriously do not remember anything from any of the first four games except that I won them all. I was 4-0 going into the last game (we had more people in this tournament than the two on Thursday).


 Finals: Brian
 Brian is a very cool guy. We talked a lot about the environment and what we thought was good. He was playing Light with four teched Terror Pits I believe. His deck consisted of mostly Blockers, and he would occasionally Holy Awe my creatures and kill them all. The strategy of this deck is to amass a huge amount of Blockers and finish your opponent with a Diamond Cutter. Well, this strategy worked--twice, and I lost my first game of the tournament on the last one. Getting second place was very cool, and I didn't feel bad losing to Brian for he was playing an awesome deck. I got like, twelve packs. I'll tell you about them later.


 Afterthoughts: Well I knew that Water/Nature was seriously a broken deck-type. It was everywhere on Friday. My list consisted of a couple Crystal Lancers but I dropped them later for Saturday's list, which I will post later.


 So those twelve packs? I got 9 Evo-Crushinators and 3 Base Set. I pulled a Holy Awe (my forth), Natural Snare (technically my second, but I traded my first earlier), and two Fighter Dual Fangs. Yes, you read correctly: TWO Fighter Dual Fangs. I thought it was a sign or something, pulling two Dual Fangs, a Holy Awe, and a Natural Snare all in one sitting. When I got home I fixed up my deck. Oh, it was good =)




 Okay, Saturday finally came and I was nervous, let me tell ya. See, I thought the big Origins Duel Masters challenge started at 11:00am, but it turns out that it started at 1:00pm. Me and my luck, huh? I played many games with my deck and found that it was missing something. I added four Holy Awes and loved the results.


 Like all big tournaments, we had to fill out a decksheet with our deck contents.


 ...wanna see my list? XD


 //Creatures [23]
 4 Burning Mane
 4 Bronze-Arm Tribe
 4 Barkwhip, the Smasher
 4 Aqua Hulcus
 3 Corile
 2 Fighter Dual Fang
 2 Marine Flower
 //Spells [17]
 4 Brain Serum
 4 Spiral Gate
 4 Dimension Gate
 4 Holy Awe
 1 Natural Snare


 So, there's the list. I would have dropped both Marine Flowers and a Burning Mane for three more Natural Snares, but I never got them. =(But let's get to the games, how's that? =D
 First round: Bill D. with Darkness/Water
 Bill sure was a nice guy.
 Game one: I kept putting on the pressure and kept bouncing his Bloody Squitos to take some early shields before a few Barkwhips cleared the board.
 Game two: Hardly different from the first. I believed I casted a Holy Awe to win the game. That card is so broken ;x [1-0]


 Second round: Michael M. with Darkness/Water
 He's another cool guy that I met.
 Game one: He pulled a third/forth turn Dark Clown. I couldn't get anything going and I lost.
 Game two: I had the worst start ever with like, two Holy Awes, a Natural Snare, and two Dimension Gates =\ GG ADAM -_- [1-1]


 Third round: Adam B. with mono-Water control
 Ah Adam, we meet again ;x I was actually paired UP as he was 2-0
 Game one: I was just too fast for him. I think he pulled a Lancer but I suicided it with Dual Fang. I think I ended up swarming for the game, or casted a Holy Awe.
 Game two: He had me on this one. We were trading shields left and right until he has two creatures left, me one shield, and I couldn't stop either of the creatures. First creatures swings: I draw SPIRAL GATE XD I bounce the other creature and attack the rest of his shields for the game. We always play each other in the tournaments, Adam! =)  [2-1]


 Forth round: Joel S. with Light/Darkness I believe
 Game one: I was, once again, just too fast.
 Game two: I pulled a Holy Awe from a late-game shield to win the game. It was a close game, but man, Holy Awe > creatures XD  [3-1]


 Fifth round: Brian with Light/Diamond Cutter and teched Fire/Darkness
 Ah! Brian again. Well, we talked about drawing so we would each have 10 points, and after figuring it out for a while we decided to play and see what happens.
 Game one: He gets like, 6 Blockers out and casts a Holy Awe, then proceeds to cast a Diamond Cutter for the game. Ouch.
 Game two: I had the best opening hand ever and manage to get two Barkwhips going by turn 5 or 6 with other minor creatures. I swarmed him and took out his shields.
 Game three: Same as game two except much more close. I managed to swarm and pull out the win. We decided to draw at the end of this match ;x [3-1-1]


 Okay, so I was 3-1-1 with 10 points. The top 8 is announced and.. I'm 6th! woo! Brian came in at 7th, so we both made it.




 First round: Tan with Nature/Water
 Lemme tell ya: this kid is good
 Game one: I get lucky and kept Corile-ing Barkwhips and minor creatures. I get the win.
 Game two: VERY close, but I just couldn't stop his evos.
 Game three: Oh, I was nervous. We duke it out left and right before this happens: his turn, Corile's my Fighter Dual Fang and Spiral Gates my Barkwhip. Next turn I draw my Bronze-Arm Tribe but can't play it because Tan only had two shields left and I was holding another Bronze-Arm and a Barkwhip, and I knew my next card was Fighter Dual Fang. His turn: he has two creatures, me one shield. I check my discard: all four Holy Awes and THREE Spiral Gates are in it. I had played my lone Natural Snare as Mana much earlier in the game, so I was counting on that last shield to be a Spiral Gate. He swings.. I draw: MARINE FLOWER -_- gg Tan


 So, I ended up in 7th place overall and got 20 packs--ten Evo-Crushinators and ten Base Set. I pulled a Bolshack Dragon (my favorite creature, just FYI ;x) ;x It was a very good experience and I would gladly do it again if I had the opportunity. But hey!--not bad for a kid who never played in a tournament before, huh? =D


Thanks for reading!


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