Muddy Waterz Deck cecillbill Comic City Saint Louis Deck: Muddy Waterz Player: cecillbill Venue: Comic City City: Saint Louis, MO Date: May 15, 2004 Participants: 6 Format: Swiss; best of 3 duels Entry Fee: $5 Prizes: Store Credit to 1st - 3rd Place Winners Notes: I have gone over to the dark side. I'm playing Control. For the folks who think Control will ruin the game, don't worry. Control decks are only as good as the person playing them and they often fall to Rush decks. My reason for running Control was to do something different from Stall and "Hit & Run" (a moniker I gave to one of my Fire/Light decks that has hitters and blockers at nearly every mana cost from 1 to 7). I slapped in some cards last minute, like Candy Drop, breaking my "keep it focused" rule because I wanted to flesh out some ideas--good or bad ones. I am not going to run Control at the next couple of tournies because I want to try out a deck I'm dubbing "Trix are for Kidz." More on that later ... About My Metagame: The first thing I noticed at this tourney was that not many people ran Evos. The most commonly ran Evos where the ones for the Light civ--Ladia--and Water civ--Paladin and many were dropped as mana. Another thing to note is that several people ran 3 or more civ decks. Some of these decks are much larger than 40 cards. Light was the most commonly played civ, and there were no mono-Light decks. Depending on the players who come to the tournies, we see about 1-3 Fire/Light, 1 Weenie Rush, 1-3 Control, 1-2 three or more civ or more decks, 2 Mana Gain/Swarm, 1-3 Weenies with Finishers decks. The Deck--Muddy Waterz Creatures [2] Crystal Lancer [1] Crystal Paladin [4] Aqua Hulcus [2] Aqua Soldier [4] Marine Flower [2] Hunter Fish [2] Candy Drop [4] Horrid Worm [2] Chaos Worm [4] Bloody Squito [2] Zagaan Spells [4] Brain Serum [4] Spiral Gate [4] Terror Pit [4] Death Smoke [3] Critical Blade [3] Ghost Touch [55] cards This control build is flawed, so I would not recommend running it. 55 cards is by far too many for a Control deck, but it has worked in my metagame. Only Rush gives it a huge tail whipping. Anyway, check below to see how this behemoth control deck performed. I usually am able to recount just about every move made during at least one match of a duel because I have this weird habit of taking mental notes of plays. Call it photographic memory; I'm compulsive about details. Right after the tournament ends I jot down notes so I can learn from my mistakes and my deck's weaknesses. Since this is all based on memory, I hope I got all the plays right; some may have been forgotten. LOL. /////////////////////////////////////////////////// Duels: 1st Matchup--Vs Nature/Water/Light/Darkness Domain Winner: Me Cards in my opponent's deck included: King Depthcon, Ura Giga, Bronze Arm Tribe, Natural Snare, Candy Drop, Death Smoke, Terror Pit, Horrid Worm, Dark Reversal, Gran Gure, Szubs Kin, Senatine Jade Tree, Critical Blade \\1st Duel// Ah, the match up against the 2 women players at the store. CATFIGHT! Just kidding. We've played many duels against each other before, both tourney and causal. We're both infamous stall players. I knew if I saved some kill spells for her unblockable then I'd prolly do okay. I'm only going to recount 1 match in the interest of brevity. Early Game: I went first and dropped Marine Flower. woOT! She drops down mana. Next turn I play mana and she drops Ura. My next drop sees a Hulcus and I draw a card. She drops Bronze and adds mana which was a Snare. Next turn I drop a Squito into my mana zone and drop Blade to her Ura. I hit with Hulcus. She plays mana, drops Candy. Next turn I summon a Drop and hit with Hulcus. She's down 2 shields. She summons another Bronze Arm, hits with Candy giving me Death Smoke. I drop Horrid Worm, hit the Drop with Hulcus and hit another shield with my Drop. She's down to 3 shields and I have 4. Late Game: She plays mana and Smokes my Horrid. She suicides one of her Nature guys into my Drop and I don't block with Squito. I'm down to only Hulcus and Bloody Squito. Next turn I draw a Chaos Worm, put him down as mana and summon another Hulcus and draw. She plays 2 blockers and Blades my Marine Flower. I drop Critical Blade on her Szubs Kin. I suicide 1 Hulcus to her Tree. She blocks it, then I hit with the other Hulcus. Next turn she plays Depthcon and another blocker. I have a Horrid and Chaos Worm in hand. I can only cast Horrid, but I decide to Terror Pit Depthcon instead. With only Hulcus out and her blockers, I decide not to attack. Next turn she Dimension Gates and casts Gran Gure. I Smoke Gran and cast another Horrid Worm. She plays Depthcon. I smoke Depthcon and Critical Blade one of her blockers. I then ram Hulcus into a shield and she decides not to block. She's down to 2 shields. Next turn I drop Chaos onto Horrid, kill off her lone blocker. I cast another Flower, then hit her for her last two shields with Chaos and Hulcus. She Natural Snares my Chaos giving me 2 mana, and plays blockers. Next turn I cast Lancer on Hulcus and that's game. //////////////////////////////////////////////////// Duels: 2nd Matchup--Vs Nature/Fire/Light Weenie with finishers Winner: Me Cards in my opponent's deck included: Bolshack, Draglide, Immortal Baron, Poisonous Dahlia, Fear Fang, Ura Giga, Crimson Hammer, Bronze Arm Tribe, Braid Claw, Brawler Zyler \\1st Duel// This was my first time playing a duelist under 12. I am not one for ageism in any fashion, so I never view younger players as easy wins. This kid knew how to play the game, and had won his last match against a player who has beaten me an occasion. I'm only going to recount 1 match in the interest of brevity. Early Game: He plays mana and drops Braid Claw. I play mana and drop Flower. He plays mana and Hammers my Flower then hits with Claw. Next turn I cast Squito. Next turn he plays Nature mana and summons Arm giving himself extra mana. He suicides Claw into Squito. Next turn I play Horrid Worm. He drops a power attacking Nature guy. I play Hulcus and draw a card. I hit him with Horrid for a shield and take away and Immortal from his hand. He plays Ura and Zyler and hits me for another shield. Next turn I Blade his Ura and attack with Hulcus and Horrid for 2 shields and a card from his hand. We're both down to 3 shields. Late Game: He plays Dahlia for some reason then hits me with his Nature guy. He triggers Pit. I kill off Zyler. Next turn I Spiral Gate his Nature guy, Spiral gate the Dahlia, hit him with Touch for a card, then I hit him with Horrid removing Draglide from his hand. He's down to 2 shields. I then hit him with Hulcus. Next turn he casts 2 Fire guys, Sweeper and another Zyler. Next turn I cast Chaos onto a Horrid and remove his Sweeper. I then attack him for his last shield. I then hit with Hulcus for the win. ///////////////////////////////////////////////// Duels: 3rd Matchup--Vs Fire/Darkness Winner: Me Cards in my opponent's deck included: Wyn, Immortal Baron, Crimson Hammer, Tornado Flame, Ura Giga, Pit, Withering Bone Ghoul, Bone Assasin, Death Smoke, Gigaron, Dark Reversal \\1st Duel// This guy wore headphones during the match. Two people do that here, so no worries me. He's a good player with a deck that could have beat me had it been more aggressive in the early game. He also used Wyn which is something that I found nifty. It's funny because even though he was able to avoid handing me Death Smoke via using Wyn's effect, he still ran into Terror Pits and Gates which helped me. Good stuff! I'm only going to recount 1 match in the interest of brevity. Early Game: I dropped mana. He plays mana. I play mana again. He casts Wyn. I cast Hulcus and draw. He plays a weenie Fire guy and uses Wyn's effect to peek at a shield. Must have been a deadly shield because he hits a different shield giving me a Hulcus. I cast a Horrid. He plays mana and hits me with Wyn, again using the effect and hand me a different shield. It was Pit. I peg off the Fire guy. I have 3 shields and he has 5. Late Game: I Spiral Gate Wyn to his hand. I hit him with Hulcus. Horrid takes away a card and a shield. We're tied at 3 shields. Next turn he casts another Fire guy and Wyn. I drop another Horrid Worm. I hit him with Horrid, taking away a card and a shield. I then hit with Hulcus. He has 1 shield left. Next turn he casts a blocker & Smokes 1 of my Horrids. He hits another one of my shields, triggering Blade. He says goodbye to his lone blocker. He hit another shield and it's a Gate. Wyn goes back to his hand. I'm down to 1 shield. Yikes! Next turn I got a sweet draw--Lancer! I cast Lancer on Hulcus. I hit him for 1shield. The shield is Pit, and he makes the mistake of pitting Lancer instead of the guy who could hit him this turn, Horrid. I hit him with Horrid for the win. He realizes his mistake, and we shakes hands. /////////////////////////////////////////////////// Tourney Results: I won 1st Place. The other female player won 2nd Place with her 4 civ 40 + card deck. She's the only DM player I've met thus far who can make a deck with more than 3 civs and 40 cards work. 3rd place went to a player running a 3 civ 40+ card deck. 40+ card decks & ladies ruled that day. :-) I bought some Marvel Vs, Duel Masters and Yu Yu Hakusho packs with the store credit prize. I pulled some goodies for Marvel, but was left dry with Yu Yu and DM pulls. After the tourney ended I played my deck in some fun duels vs a modified Kokujo starter and a Shobu starter. To show you how flawed my control deck is, just in case you think I'm trying to cover up a hidden gem, I lost to both starter decks. I got pwned by Marrows and Claws! LMAO. On a good note, I played in a really fun mulitplayer match. 3 players ran control (one was Water/Light/Darkness and the other 2 were Darkness/Water) and the 4th person played a 4 civ deck (Light/Nature/Water/Darkness). I had to leave before the game ended, but I was losing badly anyway. I only had 1 shield left when I had to leave the store. Everyone beat up on little 'ole me. Gee, I wonder why? LOL. Multiplayer ROX! Until next time...Keep playing Duel Masters! Contact info--name: cecillbill; email: _________________________________________________________________