Dark Tide

Lee Sandow

Galactic Quest Comics

Lawrenceville, GA




It’s been since July since I last wrote a report for Pojo.com (And that long since we’ve had a sanctioned tournament, I might add), and I’m glad to be back to write again (it beats writing college applications).  Some of you might remember my article on the Kaijudo Code, and if you don’t, then shame on you (I’ll put a link at the end of this report).  Many of you sent names for my deck, and Dark Tide is the name I decided on.  Kudos to all of you that helped me out.


Dark Tide has changed since last time, so here’s my NEW decklist.


Dark Tide (44 Cards)


2x Writhing Bone Ghoul

4x Horrid Worm

2x Zagaan, Knight of Darkness

2x Mongrel Man



4x Terror Pit

4x Death Smoke



4x Corile

4x Aqua Hulcus

4x Hunter Fish

2x Emeral



4x Spiral Gate

2x Teleportation

2x Brain Serum



4x Holy Awe


I arrived at Galactic Quest at 11:00, as usual, and played Pokemon FireRed until tournament time, when Justin walks in and announces today will be sanctioned.  There was much rejoicing.  There were sixteen people present, many I’d never seen at Galactic Quest before, and some real talent was there as well.  That’s always nice.  We all gave our DCI numbers (the people that got new cards all had 1337 in there number, and I was jealous), and then the tournament began!




Swiss, Four rounds.  Winner gets one Base Set Booster and one Evo-Crushinators pack, second gets one of either, third gets the one second doesn’t take, fourth and below get squat.  Winner gets to choose which two he gets.  Most points wins (One point pew win).  Best two out of three for each round.  Same as always.


Pairings were announced.  My first opponent was Angel



Angel was new, and she had a nasty habit of KICKING people.  She was about 4th grade-ish, and quickly took to pestering me.  Since I couldn’t hit anyone that young, I opted to kick her butt in a duel.  As it transpired, she has no clue what she was doing, so my victory was pretty simple.  She was running mono-darkness.


DUEL ONE:  She played all her small creatures as mana to try to summon someone strong.  She never got enough mana, as I rushed her with my two and three cost creatures. 1-0

DUEL TWO:  She leaned her lesson, and started summoning smaller creatures, but I still only lost one shield.  2-0


I won round one (got kicked again), and waited for round two’s pairings.




Steven is ranked very high in Georgia (so am I), and we’ve faced each other before.  This game could have gone either way.  He was using a shield trigger deck.


DUEL ONE:  Luck on my part was all that saved me, and I broke all the shields he nexus-ed and Emeral-ed at the right time.  He put up a good fight, though.  3-0

DUEL TWO:  Pretty much the same story, I got a lucky terror pit when he summoned Fighter Duel Fang.  I won, so I moved on.  4-0


THIRD ROUND:  LEE vs. Stephen


Stephen has been a friend and opponent of mine since we both played Pokemon, and he and I both quit that game and started playing this one.  Stephen is one of the best players at the store, and he runs my LEAST favorite deck to go up against, Diamond Cutter.


ROUND ONE:  Holy Awe is god.  That’s all I have to say about that. 5-0.

ROUND TWO:  I reduced him down to one shield, but then he had to leave.  Which was a really pity, considering I had two Mongrel Men on the field, and had just suicided a Horrid Worm to discard a Ladia Bale out of his hand and draw two cards.  Oh well.  6-0.


On this point, only two people were left undefeated.  Me and my arch-rival, Austin.




I introduced Austin to Duel Masters, and helped him build his deck, which was a Black/Red destruction combo.  I usually deck against this thing, cause it is almost impossible to keep a creature on the field…


ROUND ONE:  What happened Austin?  He had NO shield triggers, and I had them coming out of my… yeah.  I beat him.  7-0

ROUND TWO:  He did a good job, but ultimately I got to many creatures for him to deal with, and I had him top-decking.  He killed both my Mongrel Men though, which made me sad.   WHAT DO YOU HAVE AGAINST MONGREL MEN?!?  8-0


Being the only person with a perfect record in the store, I was the winner!!!




WOOT!! I won!  I chose my two packs.  The Evo pack had jack, so I gave it to Austin, but my Base Set pack had Gattling Skyterror and a Terror Pit.  As soon as the little kids saw the skyterror, I was almost mobbed, and I finally traded it to one kid so he wouldn’t hyperventilate and pass out… again.  Not bad for a $1 entry fee. 


Now, to slops and Props.




For trading a Gatling Skyterror for an Aqua Sniper.

For the cheap entry fee.

For Galactic Quest being an awesome store (support my newspaper Kyle!)

For my opponents (except Angel) for all being good sports.

For being sanctioned.

For FireRed being such a fun game.



Needing only one card to complete my collection.  Anyone have a NYC Ucarn for trade?

For dropping my binder and having it break open… again.



So, this is my second report for Pojo.com.  Maybe they’ll make me a COTD reviewer (PLEASE?). 


Anyhow, this concludes my report.  Got any questions, comments, rants, COTD crew openings, or suggestions?  E-mail me with the below address.  I look forward to hearing from some of you.


Catch y’all later!


Lee Sandow



P.S.  Here’s my Kaijudo Code article:
