DM Tourney Report "Dark Beanie Weenies" milleniumskillet - Homefield Advantage (Greenwood, SC) (9/18/04)- This was the first DM tournament in a month at Homefield Advantage. I was trying to perfect my darkness/fire deck. Darkness:(22) Creatures: 4x Chaos Worm 2x Gray Balloon, Shadow of Greed 4x Horrid Worm 3x Marrow Ooze, the Twister Spells: 3x Critical Blade 3x Death Smoke 3x Ghost Touch Fire:(28) Creatures: 2x Armored Cannon Balbaro 3x Armored Groblav 2x Armored Walker Urberion 3x Brawler Zyler 3x Deadly Fighter Braid Claw 1x Fatal Attacker Horvath 4x Immortal Baron, Vorg 3x Metalwing Skyterror 4x Mini Titan Gett Spells: 1x Magma Gazer 2x Tornado Flame Right before the tournament a young boy, CC?, asked me if he could have 3 Diamond Cutters for his deck and in return he gave me a holofoil card (I don't remember which one). He too was in the tournament, but I did not play against him. The tournament was Swiss style and there was a total of 4 people, which is a big crowd for us. I don't remember the last names of the guys in the tournament. Round 1: I faced off against Steven? with his darkness and nature deck. The idea of his deck was to accelerate his mana pool to get all of his Barkwhips in the battlezone. I got rid of them in a variety of ways. I won the first two matches to win the round. Round 2: Next, I was pitted against Justin? with his Rainbow deck minus the Darkness civilization. He too wanted to get his Barkwhips out as fast as he could. His deck was complex with a wide variety of cards. He barely won the first match with an army of attackers. I ended up taking the next two matches with my swift attackers. Therefore, I had won round 2. Since I had a 2-0 record and the other three guys were either 1-1 or 0-2, the tournament coordinator declared that I was the winner of the tournament. 1st place: 1x rampage booster 1x evo booster 2x Barkwhip, the Smasher (JDC promo) 2x Amnis, Holy Elemental (JDC promo) 2nd - 4th place: 2x Barkwhip, the Smasher (JDC promo) 2x Amnis, Holy Elemental (JDC promo) The only thing that was of worth out of the packs was Chaos Fish Remember if you have any questions, comments, or concerns e-mail me at milleniumskillet aka Travis Bouknight _____________________________________________________________