Duel Masters Top 10 Blockers


            Marine Flower                          Mana: 1            Power: 2000


            This is a very basic card but can help even a master duelist. Even though it can’t attack at all  having a blocker early into the game can give you the upper hand. I have been to many tournaments and have seen every water deck with at least two of these. 



            La Ura Giga, Sky Guardian       Mana: 1            Power: 2000


            This card has many great advantages such as first turn blocker and this creature has the ability to attack which can get rid of annoying Deadly Fighter Braid Claw or other weak creatures that have been tapped.



            Bloody Squito                          Mana: 2            Power: 4000


            This blocker is essential to any darkness deck. One is that it is easy to summon and has a high power. The only downside to this card is that it will be destroyed even if it wins a battle but it will keep most creatures at bay for a while and provides an excellent defensive power.



            King Coral                               Mana: 3            Power: 1000


            This blocker works best  if you use a mix of a blue/green deck since it uses a good amount of mana. Other than the mana cost this card is pretty decent especially since it can attack the opponents shields and protect your own at the same time.



            Dark Clown                             Mana: 4            Power: 6000


            This card is basically the older brother to Bloody Squito. It has an extremely high defensive power for only four mana this card is another essentiality for a dark deck. The only default to this card is that it is destroyed when it wins a match.



            Dia Nork, Moonlight Guardian  Mana: 4            Power: 5000 


            This is another light blocker. It is good because it has a power of 5000 and can attack creatures all in one but the best part is that it doesn’t have a very high mana cost. This is a very useful blocker for almost all light decks.



            Ruby Grass                                          Mana: 3            Power: 3000

            This is one of my favorite blockers. It has many plus’s and almost no downs. This blocker has the ability to attack an opponents creature and then at the end of the turn untap itself to block on the opponents turn.



            Szubs Kin, Twilight Guardian                Mana: 5            Power: 6000


            This creature is very good to protect your shields since most creatures have less than 5000 power. This creature is extremely useful when used with Toel, Vizier of Hope so that it can attack and then block which will destroy a lot of your opponents weak creatures.



            Seamine                                               Mana: 6            Power: 4000


            This card is one of the best water civilization cards. This creature can attack both players and monsters while still being a blocker. Six mana is a high cost to pay but this card is worth but  it also has a high power to stay alive with.




            Gran Gure, Space Guardian                  Mana: 6            Power: 9000


            Last but not least is the blocker that I consider the best Gran Gure. It has the ability to attack monsters and with such a high attack power it will undoubtedly only be surpassed only by Hanusa, Radience Element. All though there are a few monsters with 9000 power most people would not like to lose them in a double K.O. so all you have to worry about is power ups (such as Magma Gazer and Burning Power), Bolshack Dragon, and  Armored Groblav.



If you see any mistakes please contact Garrick at garrickbrasil@hotmail.com and not pojo.com.