Dylans Top Ten Duel Masters Cards Starting the list at number ten is... 10: Storm Shell- The reason that Storm Shell is on the list is that it can take care of any monster at a measly cost of 7 mana. Some of you may be smirking right now, but if you went up against this card more often, you might have a different set of mind. 9:Swamp Worm- Swamp Worm has all of the same qualities as the previous card except it is black and your opponent destroys the monster instead of putting it in the mana zone, good card. If either of these were lower costed, they would be broken. 8:Teleportation- Teleportation is a very effective combo card, you can use it to return one of there monsters and one of the ones you want back like Silphy or Sniper. Card that no one likes to see played against them.(Like all the cards on this list) 7:Crystal Memory- I love this card! Get anything in your deck for just 4 mana, or it shield triggers. This is the only reason I don't play 4 of everything in my deck. 6:Rothus, the Traveler- He may not seem very good, but late game, he is a huge assett. Especially around turn 8 when you just played a swamp worm. Next turn just play Rothus and kill the worm. A beast. 5:Death Smoke- For only four mana you can practically kill what you want to on the field. Sure, sometimes people do already have attacking monsters that are tapped, but you should have ways to deal with them while these take out their double breakers. 4:Natural Snare- A shield trigger that takes care of anything almost permanently, for 6 mana or for free. Who would argue with that, I actually prefer sending to the mana zone more than the graveyard because it lets them play more things, so I can destroy them faster. 3:Terror Pit- The only reason Swamp Worm and Terror Pit came in ahead of Storm Shell and Natural Snare is they are black. Black is overall more playable right now, so they came in higher for that reason. Same as Natural Snare, except for destroys. 2:Vampire Silphy- This is the card that dominates the base set. Almost any deck as of this moment is 90% weenie creatures(Excluding yellow decks). Their are plenty of ways to take care of the big 10%. But the Silphy is an all purpose lawn mower of that huge 90% block. And the number one card is... 1:Aqua Sniper- In my deck I play 2 Silphy and 2 Sniper. I use Crystal Memory only on them. and I create a huge lock with them until the opponent decks out. Play Silphy, destroy your creatures. They think they are safe because you have already played her, so they summon the rest of their weenies. Your turn, play Sniper and return the Sniper and Silphy to your hand.They are scared. They go and attack shields which you want them to do. Play Sniper again. Really fun chain! Anyway, if you have any debate, love, or hate my e-mail is dolphin_d_99@yahoo.com