Top 20 Evo Crushinators of Doom Cards--cecillbill Top 20 Evo Crushinators of Doom Cards by cecillbill With each new set come cards that change the way the game is played. They can change the environment so much that they become the "creme de la creme" for that set--and quite possibly the whole game. King Depthcon may have been the ultimate threat to you base set, but now he's got a little cousin named Crystal Lancer who does the same thing with speed attack. What was once viable Base Set may have been kicked to the curb, and what was once viewed as being too risky may now pay off quickly thanks to Evo Crushinators of Doom. Evo Crushinators has changed the Duel Masters environment in a great way, and here are my top 4 card picks for each civilization. ~~~~Nature~~~~ Nature still boils down to mana acceleration, and is still a wonderful support civilization. But, now you have some serious weenie swarm and mana destruction capability. Mono-Green has hit the scene, and the cards I picked for Nature are the means make just about any mono-Nature or Nature-combo build come out of the corner swinging. "From the Treetops the Beast Folk fell down like acidic raindrops--quick and deadly." [Barkwhip The Smasher] The engine of what can be dubbed "Beast Folk Weenie Swarm" is Barkwhip. He's a 2 drop 5000 guy with a powering up effect for his kinfolk. If you run Nature, it's pretty much a given that you have Bronze-Arm Tribe and/or Mighty Shouter in your deck. Slap in some Burning Manes, Silver Axes, Fear Fangs, Golden Wing Strikers, and you have a family reunion that will be about the joys of beefed up attacking. With so little creature removal in Nature, if you go mono-Green you need to be attacking as much as possible to remove threats. Barkwhip powers up your other attackers so you can do things like overrun early blockers and other weenies. He's a fast cast, speed attacker to boot. And, he comes out swinging hard enough to take down most blockers. [Fighter Dual Fang] If Barkwhip is the engine of the Beast Folk Swarm, then Fighter would be the guy driving the car. He provides gas to keep the mana flowing via 2 cards from the top of your deck when he hits the field, and he's a speed attacking 8000 double breaker for 6 mana. Nature has a fast way to get evos out and with all those nifty little nature beast folks to slap in a deck, you should have very little problems bringing this guy to the swarm part--and early. If you do, don't hesitate to Dimension Gate him. [Elf X] Nature is marvelous if you're looking for mana acceleration. And with Evo we now get casting acceleration! Despite his lackluster name, Elf X's effect is stellar. He's all about speed, making your ceatures cheaper to play. That means your creatures are hitting the field much sooner than your opponent would like them too. When more than one of these "X-men" are on the field, you're looking at many guys coming out at once and your heavies getting called to duty quick. That screams: "SWARM!" Play him alongside the other creature with the Elf name, Essence, for the type of speedy casting & summoning goodness that only Elves can make. I'm nicknaming these Elf guys "The Keebler Elves." Yummy. [Essence Elf] Peanut Butter and Jelly. Ice Cream and Cake. Elf X and Essence Elf. Essence and X go so great together it's like you're missing something sweet when you don't have both on the field simultaneously. It doesn't matter that Nature lacks the best spells in the game; you now have a way to cast them quicker than ever before. Drop 2 or more of these at watch the Dimension Gates, Mana Crisis, Natural Snares, and Rainbow Stones fly! Elves, the tree folk types, like Legolas in Lord of The Rings are just so darn beautiful. :-) Honorable Mentions: Fortress Shell, Rainbow Stone, Mana Crisis ~~~~Light~~~~ With Light we're still blocking and tapping, but now Light's got a few more tricks up its' sleeve. The civilization has become "in-touch" with itself; the Light cards have crazy synergy now. Something fetches another, one draws for you, and everybody's happy when you can "cut" through an opponent. Mono-Light stall is a very viable strategy with this set. "The Light of Heaven . . . it blinds all." [Diamond Cutter] Does this ever happen to you: you have a field full of blockers, Light or not, and you wish you could just tear apart some pesky creatures or smash into some shields with them? You sit there thinking to yourself "if only these guys could attack what I need them too!" Well, some wishes do come true. And you don't need to "wish on a star;" just a on gem that shines--Diamond Cutter. It's the life blood behind the improved blocker stall strategy because now you can sit behind a wall of blockers and turn them into a kickbutt arsenal that can attack creatures and players. It's no matter that Cutter costs 5 mana to cast and is not a shield trigger. There're Light creatures in Evo who can search this spell out, Laguna, or cheaper shield trigger spells that can do it, Logic Cube or even guys that can get this spell back into your hands after you've used it, Phal. Playing Cutter after a Holy Awe has been shield trigger when you've got a handful of blockers on the field is ... well ... holy. [Larba Geer, the Immaculate] Let's see, for 3 mana you get a guy that taps all of your opponent's blockers when he hits the field and speed attacks. If he had double breaker ability that would be so very broken. He's a semi-Holy Awe in creature form, and if you know anything about "the Awe" then you know that tapping is a great way to setup threat-killing and shield hits. Larba's a fast evo that a mono-Light or combo Light deck should have few problems bringing out. Many of those decks pack 4 Ura Gigas and some higher Guardians like Dia Nork. [Ladia Bale, the Inspirational] I'm inspired. 9500 for 6 mana, speed attacker, double breaker, and a Guardian blocker evo who itself is a blocker--that's sweet. With Ladia you don't even need to bother with Hanusa. Ladia's a house cleaning finisher like Hanusa only faster and it blocks. Very few things can kill Ladia, not many blockers are gonna last long with it around. Ladia can go to bat for you and catch the fly balls that are hit into the outfield. That's a very well rounded player. [Logic Cube] This was a debated choice for me because Light has the same effect in creatures, Laguna (from the deck) & Phal (from the grave), who also can be hitters. There is also a guy who mimmicks Water creatures and draws for you when he attacks, Magris, that seemed like a good choice. Then there was the unblockable "Urth-ish" Ethel. The reason I choose Logic Cube is because it has a low cost, is a shield trigger and searches through your deck for Cutter or Holy Awe. Deck searching is a very handy asset to a deck, especially when it's cheap. Not only can you fetch spells with searchers but you can gain foresight into what your shields are and re-count what you have left to possibly draw. At 3 mana Logic can bring your key spells into your hands fast. With Mono-Light or a combo-Light that loves it's spells, the game's pretty much about setting your field up for a key spell play. Logic can do that for you on the cheap. Honorable Mentions: Magris, Ethel, Wyn ~~~~Darkness~~~~ Creature kill, recursion and hand discard are a premium with this civilization. With Evo things just got much more deadly. Darkness still packs those weird sacrificial costs with some of its' worthwhile and risky cards, but none compare to the level of controlling power that this civilization now packs. "[i]'Tis a foul-smelling plague that blankets the land. All who feel its' dark touch know the same horrific end." [Horrid Worm] "Worms never refuse a good meal," so Horrid's flavor text reads. Whenever this guy attacks, he's taking a card away from your opponent's hand. At 3 mana, he's practically Ghost Touch in creature form. The Parasite Worms get the full treatment in this set, as Horrid joins the ranks of Base set's Swamp Worm in the realms of denial. I tell you no lies, just 2 Horrid Worms on the field have won games for me. They hit sheilds and the hand gloriously. Granted, I did some very nasty things to speed along my opponent's demise like Spiral Gate his fattie to his hand and then let Horrid put it in his grave. And, I Smoked and Pitted newly summoned creatures like crazy--but they were my only hitters who stayed out past one turn during the games in reference. Oh, those moments were so very sweet I'm getting sentimental now thinking about it. What's also very useful about this guy is you can evo him into his deadlier big brothers, Ultracide Worm and Chaos Worm. Getting a threatening card from your opponent's hand with the slight possibility of hitting a shield at the same time and all before doing a killer evo is highway robbery. [Chaos Worm] Getting worms is a horrible thing. Facing a 5 mana worm drop that can sack off 1 of your creatures when he hits is a horrible thing too. Did I fail to mention that your opponent gets to choose the creature that bites the dust? Oh, silly me. Chaos Worm has speed attack at 5000, so let's hope that 1 creature he sacks isn't your only blocker. He's better than Swamp Worm because he's cheaper and you get to pick the creature that hits the yard. He's an evo that shouldn't be hard to cast with all the little worms out there. [Critical Blade] I might get stones thrown at me for choosing this spell, but I have a logical reason for doing so. Evo introduced the speed attacker. Guys will be coming out super fast now and shields will fall within the blink of an eye. Blockers, whether you like them or not, have become more popular to halt some of these guys. Heck, even blockers themselves have become more serious about attacking. Blade is a quick and cheap way to get rid of blockers, any size blocker--especially if he goes off as a trigger--so you can get some hits through. Blade is a great way to get rid of Ladia Bale when you don't have a Pit handy or it's tapped and Smoke can touch it. Yes, it's targeted creature kill so it's loses some of its' "it's awesome" ranking, but it's more ways to kill and that's what this civilization does best. [Amber Piercer] If huge power meant everything in this game I'd choose Ultracide Worm for the top 4 of Darkness. Being a double breaker for 6 mana and 11,000 attack, very few things can kill it. As a Control player, I like irksome combos & plays. And it's irksome to spend mana casting Pit only to have your opponent bring that creature back from the grave via a guy like Amber. Amber Piercer has become the basis for several new deck types for Darkness. One of these new deck types is dubbed "Kamikazee." You don't care so much that your guys get knocked off because they're coming back to your hand when this little baby attacks. For these decks, it doesn't matter if you suicide Amber into a shield or if it gets pegged off on your opponent's turn. You use Amber for recursion with the added possibility of hitting a shield or another creature. It's Dark Reversal with a bit more utility and a 2 mana higher cost. Recursion has always been a good thing to use. Recursion in creature form is even better. Amber can help keep baby worms out for evo-ing into Ultracide or Chaos, and that I like a lot. Honorable Mentions: Ultracide Worm, Lost Soul, Marrow Ooze ~~~~Water~~~~ Water got improved bounce, draw, and unblockability. The Liquid People have become a near "you can touch me" race that is the basis for a handful of solid Mono-Blue decks. Plainly stated, Water couldn't be more beautiful...and slippery when dropped onto the playing field. "The Spirit of the Sea was angry because of the wicked ways of the Land, so she washed away it's shores." [Crystal Lancer] Sir Lance-a-lot is one sick Uncommon. He's not even a Rare! He's a speed attacker, double breaker, 6 mana for 8000 attack, and a Liquid People guy so he can be slapped on the most played Water creature in the game, Aqua Hulcus. Oh, and he has the little ability called "CAN'T BE BLOCKED." He's hitting for 2 shields the moment he comes to the field no matter what. Can things get any sicker than that? If you run Water, you'd better have a good reason not to play him. And I mean "billion dollars" good. [Corile] At 2000 attack for 5 mana you'd think that you're getting ripped with this guy. That would be true if it were not for his card text. Remember that Bruce Willis movie where the kid says: "I see dead people?" Well, when I look at this card, "I see dead draws." Corile slaps a guy on the field right on top of your opponent's deck when he hits. You've bounced a creature, so there's some temporary removal. You've bounced that creature to the top its' owner's deck, so you know what your opponent is going to draw next turn. That also means you've robbed him of a draw. And, that is evil. Your opponent has to wait a turn longer to draw something fresh; that card under the bounced creature could be something has powerful as a Terror Pit. If you can combo him with cards like Spiral Gate, Aqua Sniper, Unicorn Fish--you can put a pesky creature on your opponent's side of the field on this top of his deck more times than he can tolerate. [Crystal Paladin] While not as sick as his " evo brother" with the attacks, Paladin is more a team player than Lancer. Got a field heavy with guys who cannot make a dent in your opponent's shields because of some pesky blockers? Well, they're going to get through once Paladin hits the field. This guy bounces all blockers when he's dropped onto a Liquid People creature. He opens your opponent's field for shield hits and creature kill via attacking. Provided you're going in for the kill, the fact that your blockers get bounced too doesn't matter. In multiplayer he's one of those sweet drops like Scarlett Skyterror, Holy Awe, and Burst Shot. Paladin's ready to go sword-first into battle and he makes sure that your other guys are able to follow him. Call him the General. You'll be thanking him for is war council soon enough. [Thought Probe] Another spell I chose that people are sure to say isn't worthy. I'm a control/stall type player so Thought Probe speaks to me more than Hulcus' cousin Hypersquid Walter for draw in this set. Often times I'm sitting across from a weenie rush. Provided Probe doesn't go off too early as a shield trigger, I'm looking a 3 draws easy. Since the game as become fast and casting costs are down, you can expect to see many games where your opponent has 3 or more creatures out for more than 1 turn. Hard casting it at 4 mana isn't going to break you either. Many gamers know that draw power aids winning. At the moment, no other cards except for Plasma Chaser--at the right times--lets you draw more cards at one time than Probe. Honorable Mentions: King Nautilus, Plasma Chaser, Recon Operation ~~~~Fire~~~~ Fire has always done quick attacking and powered up attacking better than any other civilization. It's also had some decent removal options. Now Fire just became capable of something else, mana destruction. Light your arrows, take aim, and fire! Then sit back and watch as your opponent's field and mana zone burn. "The smoke you see in the air is the warning sign of your demise." [Armored Blaster Valdios] This guy gives some extra power to Human weenies that they need to carry them into mid game attacking madness. A 4 drop at 6000, he's a double breaker with speed attack who gives +1000 to each of your Humans in the battle zone. If you're playing Fire Rush or just a deck that runs Fire, chances are you're playing low cost Humans like Brawler, Baron, Horvath, the new Mini Titan Gett. All those guys get a boost from Valdios, and that's a lot of chances to get an affordable community boost. He even boosts the other Armored evo of the set--Balbaro. That goes a long way with helping the little humans overrun early blockers and other weenies. This card has made the swarming, early attacking Fire crew even more deadly. He's cheap at 4 mana. Play him and throw more firewood down for the flames. Yes, the Human race has truly evolved. [Burst Shot] Again, my spell choices may seem crazy to some, but Burst Shot is Fire's answer to mirror Rush matches and a shield-saver for Fire decks not packing many early attackers. Playing Rush but find yourself outnumbered in the mirror match? This spell levels the field--to zero if you both have 2,000 and below guys out. Facing those Rush decks that are sure to become popular and you're playing a Fire or combo Fire deck with some mid and late game hitters? Then slap this spell in your deck and watch that weenie player cringe. Fire's removal has always been targeted, but this at least destroys all 2000 and below creatures. That's epescially sweet if you no longer have any teeny sized guys out or have already evo-ed some. And, that's also good if you want to deter someone else from evo-ing his field of little guys. It's a shield trigger, so be mindful of how many you pack in your deck if you play Rush and want to use it. Burst is a Vampire Silphy-ish spell that can help you when played or triggered at the right times. [Bombersaur] I like this card. It's got that new car smell to it. Mana destruction is new to the game, and Fire and Nature are the civilizations that take advantage of the new mechanic. Nature has it in spell and creature form, but Fire's creatures can potentially do it sooner with the 2 drop 2000 Engineer Kipo and 5 drop 5000 Bombersaur. I like him better than Draglide in Fire's mid game attack spot. I see this guy going nicely with a Rush deck that can either regenrate mana (Fire/Nature combo) or one that doesn't need a lot of mana to operate (Darkness/Fire or mono-Fire). When he is destroyed and hits the yard, he takes cards in the mana zone with him--2 of yours and 2 of each opponent. He can serve as a trump card in 2 person or mulitplayer games (oh, how much fun would he be in multiplayer--reminds me of all the joy Scarlett Skyterror brought to the format base set). Your opponent may think twice about blocking him if it means a kill, and about killing him off with spells or attacks. Think of it along the lines of slayer where guys are relunctant to face him, only this guy is going to do some damage some way or another whether they like it or not. Losing mana early in the game can be devasting. Players who set up for big drops late in the game are going to have to chug through until they can rebuild their mana zone. It's a de-stabilizing thing to be thrown off your deck's strategic course. That's why he's sweet for certain types of Rush. Many of these decks can kill with a little as 3 mana. [Rumble Gate] Yes, another spell choice that people might think classifies me as insane. But, bear with me. Fire Weenie Rush, mono or not, has just became crazy. Humans coming out of every end of the armored tank blasting away with their powered up guns. And not just those Humans benefit from this card, but any Fire build that wants extra "umpf" against swarm and blocker decks could run this spell. With Rumble Gate you can turn your whole field into a cleanup crew--especially those guys that already have the power attacker ability. That ability stacks for a turn, so a Brawler Zyler becomes a 4000 guy who can attack untapped creatures like pesky early Light blockers. Basically Rumble gives you the potential to overrun your opponent's field. Cast this baby when you have a bunch of humans and Valdios on the field and watch the sparks ignite. Honorable Mentions: Bolzard Dragon, Metalwing Skyterror, Armored Cannon Balbaro \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ I'm know many of my choices wouldn't make spots on other people's top lists. Top Card choices are always a matter of opinion. When making my list, I took into account how Evo Crushinators of Doom has affected the overall game. If you rate this article, please base your ratings on the quality of my writing too and not just on the choices I made for the cards. It's hard to get 2 people to agree on what the best cards are in a set. With that said, if you want to engage in a *friendly debate* with me over my choices or want to tell me why other cards are better, feel free to email me. My opinion is mine; you see things differently. Cheers! Contact info--name: cecillbill; email: _________________________________________________________________