Top 10 List - MrDolphin Welcome to my top 10 list. This will be a combination of all civs and types. 10) Crystal Memory - A great Card to use to get ANY card you want. Even better if it was a shield trigger. 9) Spiral Gate - GREAT monster removal, and is also a shield trigger. 8) Death Smoke - a cheap way to kill a fattiee :) 7) Aqua Hulcus - One of water's best creatures. Its cheap for a card draw and a liquid people. It can evolve into 2 evo creatures, talk about versatile. 6) Holy Awe - Some may say "THIS SHOULD BE HIGHER!". Well, I find diamond cutter better than this but it situational. Combined with diamond cutter, its sickening. 5) Barkwhip the Smasher - A great evo creature. This can be played quite early, and can dominate the zone for a while. With its second ability of powerup, its a great card. 4) Natural Snare, Terror Pit, Teleportation - Even if evo came, these cards are still pretty effective. With potent monster removal, every deck of w/e color should carry these. 3) Crystal Paladin - Yes, I love water, so water is up on my list. With this card and an extra spiral gate, you can for some time have your opponents blockers not able to block your attacks. 2) Diamond Cutter - GRRR, this card can win games...believe me. I was in total control one time and by playing this card, I lost..... 1) Crystal Lancer - WHY ISNT THIS CARD HOLO? For a mere 6 mana, you get an unblockable double breaker. At this point, this is one of the best and hardest monsters to get rid of, and trust me, you want to get rid of him fast! AIM : MrDolphin1988 NAME: ALVIN EMAIL: