Duel Masters Top 10 Shield Triggers


            Dimesion Gate                          Mana: 3             

            This card is good for any and all green decks. It will get out any type of monster which is good for people who have multi-civilization decks. With a pretty good mana cost you can also use it for when you draw it.



            Ghost Touch                             Mana: 2

             This card is really helpful when your opponent , lets just say, doesn't have a “good poker face”. If you draw it though you will most likely use it for mana.



            Dark Reversal                          Mana:2            

            This card is a really good card to get as a shield since you opponent would most likely have to destroy a blocker to get to this card as a shield which means you can just bring it back to your hand. This is also a good draw card. 



            Tornado Flame                                     Mana: 5                       

            This is one of those cards that is used to destroy blockers mainly and if your lucky sometimes an effect monster ,such as Toel, Vizier of Hope, this is really good to get even as a draw card.



            Spiral Gate                               Mana: 2           

            This is the gold of the civilization. This is a good card as both draw and shield since you can send away an opponents monster to their hand and make them wait another turn to attack.  




            Natural Snare                           Mana: 6           

            This card has a really good effect to use but only as a shield trigger with such a high mana  it will become mana. Most people say this card is horrible because it gives your opponent mana but nothing aggravates a person more than looking down every turn to tap mana and seeing one of their best cards as mana.  



            Brain Serum                             Mana:4  

            This card is important for water decks since hand control can win the duel. This card has a sorta high mana cost but it can help you get what you need without a huge backfire.  





            Terror Pit                                 Mana:6            

            What can’t you say about this card. It can destroy any monster on your opponents side of the field and it is a shield trigger for only six mana. This card can help you gain field control while they try to. 




            Crystal Memory                       Mana: 4 

            This has to be the best search card since you can one get any card you want and two you don’t have to show your opponent the card which gives you a huge advantage. You can get the one card you need to save you and your opponent can’t prepare for it.




            Holy Awe                     Mana: 6           

            This card can help you in any situation no matter what happens. You can stop your opponent from destroying the rest of your shields or stop blockers and destroy shields if you don’t activate it. 



If you see any mistakes please contact Vash at garrickbrasil@hotmail.com