CRAZEDMO'S top five evolution cards in the game so far....


Hey crazedmo here giving my first top ten (five in this case) on the duel masters pojo site so far.

I live in England and have been playing duel masters for 3 months now.


so heres the list:


5. Chaos worm- starting our list off is chaos worm this card personally dosen't see that much play in my area but should. First it evolves from parasite worms, a fairly decent race. It has a solid 5000 power for a cost of 5 mana. AND gets to destroy a creature when it comes into play. Sounds like a winner to me.


4. Armored blaster valdios- Now here's a card that sees play in my area, a lot of it. This card is the icing of the cake for red weenie. people drop this turn 4 and the game don't go

past turn 5 maybe 6 depending on the situation. It evolves from humans a fairly easy to come by race and gives them a 1000 point boost in strength. Exellent


3. Gigamantis- Now this is a prediction , but I think its fair to say that with rampage a good number of people will be taking a try at giant insects (good luck on making it work)

now personally i won't be, they're looking to cause a threat.


2. Barkwhip the Smasher- AH nature my personal favourite colour in this game and this is part of the reason why. Now lets face it beast folk are the strongest deck type right now, because of speed. This works great with bronze arm tribe and the next card(ooh suspense!)and thats about it......oh yah It's 2 FOR 5000 POWER!!! SERIOUSLY FOLKS IF YOUR PLAYING BEAST THEN YOUR PLAYING THIS.


1. Fighter dual fang- The absolute best so far it a great cost ,its a double breaker, it gives two more mana, it's beast folk and it looks so cool. Please people in later sets this card will just get more powerful to help pay for higher cost cards so stock up!!!


well thats my top 5 evolution creatures so far you can email your thoughts to and get back to pojo for more articles!!!